It is a rare occasion that a single movie can nearly exactly capture a particular experience. One of the closest representations of the college experience, especially the process of making friends, is "Pitch Perfect." Somehow, in an hour and a half, it is completely able to chronicle the process of making new friends, which every college student, especially the freshmen, can relate to.
First, hey perfectly capture the roommate situation. Roommates, like all people, can range from perfectly harmless to downright scary. Hopefully, you've landed somewhere in between.
You might find yourself at a party, sometime soon after. Especially at Sewanee, this may be the easiest way to interact with people that you don't live with. Get out, meet new people, and have fun. Just make sure to know your limits when it comes to drinking.
You'll often feel the urge to find people who truly understand you as a person. When that is the case, you might have to go out of your comfort zone or try something totally new, a sport or activity perhaps, but who knows. You might end up love something you've never even heard of before.
Meeting new people can be an awkward, if not terrifying, event for a lot of people. "Pitch Perfect" teaches us that it is important to actually get out and try to find somewhere where you feel comfortable and people that you can feel comfortable with. College is your home away from home now, so you'll thank yourself when you finally meet people you have something in common with, even if it's just for a minute. Maybe you'll become fast friends.
Once you've found those people who let you be yourself and love you for it, that is where you are meant to be. These are the friends who will be around for years to come. And, if you're lucky, you just might make some amazing memories along the way.
Just hope that those memories don't involve flying Mexican food...