This is why I am pissed. I have latino/a friends, I have Native American friends, I am part of the LGBTQIA+ community, my black friends are everything, I learn from my Muslim/European peers, I Learn my women friends. This is the Millennial generation. If you think this is about republican vs. democratic, you should do your spiritual research. This is more than that. This is about love, and hate. Have every seen a little girl cut herself in the bathroom, because her life has no happiness anymore? Have you ever seen a black man get lynched, having no choice but to say goodbye to this world, because his 'white' brothers and sisters were convinced he was something bad. This more than politics, this is a revolution.
This is the time, the time to change the media. Stop the hate, the lies. You know what, those souther idiots need education. They need love. They have been taught to hate, taught to discriminate. They need US. The blue, the queer, the black, the latino, the muslim, the native, they need US. They cannot help themselves. We wonder how it got this bad, well duhhhhh! How could we not know, it has been implemented in so many hidden ways. Slavery, the constitution, history. We are history, so lets change it. Let us be the generation that said NO. We will not take the hate, we will not let you do your works of evil. We are love, we are the light, fighting in darkness, to help you!
We will be the change. We will not let the lies that are fed to us, get into our spirits. We will help those who are trapped in hate. They are trapped in a world where they think different is what makes us better, different is what saves us. This is a lie that has been told to us, by history, media, and religion. If we do not stand together, we will be eaten apart. We will let the media fill us with lies, with hate. We have got to join our brothers and sisters who fight for us in love. That is truth. Real love, you will know what it is. You will feel it. Real love, it makes you understand the hate that is being taught to us.
This is why I am pissed. I am pissed because the media won. They got to those who were willing to listen. The trapped the souls of the innocent. We need to help them understand that this is more than politics, this is about truth and love. This is a out how we can change the future. You might think this is about taxes, and immigration, but this is more than you will ever know. This is about love, and hate. Let love shine through, and let hate evaporate.