So to start off I just want to make clear, this is obviously my opinion. Is it worth more than your opinion? Yes absolutely. Does that mean it's the correct opinion? Only time will tell. But, most likely yes. Let's not beat around the bush any longer here are some of the many reasons I believe that Pinkerton is a better album than Blue. I have selected these expertly crafted opinions from an infinitely long list (which mostly consists of "because I like it better" over and over again).
Pinkerton was released on September 24th, 1996, 17 days after I was born. Is it a coincidence that the greatest album of all time was released a few days after my birth? Dare I say I do not think it was. Well actually it probably was, I don't really think the release date of this masterpiece is very relevant at all. And well my birth probably has nothing to do with the album at all. I'm not even half Japanese. I'm honestly just stalling now, let's get into the real reason you poor, poor souls have actually clicked on this forsaken link. Why I think Pinkerton is better than Blue, like for real. The correct opinion for a Weezer fan to have, from yours truly.
The Blue album was Weezer's first album and well even I have to admit it was a nice try from the up and comers. The album has some great songs, catchy lyrics, fun beats and more. So, you're probably asking yourself how, HOW could Pinkerton possibly be better? Frankly, this musical reject thinks the debut album (not the Björk debut album) is over-rated. I don't believe it is the best or even the second-best Weezer album.
The album starts off with my Name Is Jonas which is a fantastic song, but it's just not on the same level as Tired Of Sex. Tired Of Sex is a great opening track, especially how it's used to set the narrative for the album as a whole. My Name Is Jonas, just doesn't set up Blue album the same way. It's a great song and I love it, but, in my unqualified opinion Tired Of Sex is a more emotive song. The feeling Rivers is portraying in this track is clear. The vocals are rawer and the heavier instrumentation and great bass licks set up for the rest of the album perfectly. I honestly couldn't fault the track.
So one track into this discussion and well, most of you have either left to tell me how wrong I am or, are nodding along eagerly waiting to see how I tear apart Blue album next.
Moving on, Pinkerton then goes into my least favourite track on the album. Getchoo. I am not a fan of Getchoo. I don't think it lives up to the rest of the tracks on Pinkerton. It's still a good track, it just isn't a 10/10 track like how I'd rate most of the other songs on the album. This is maybe the only part of Blue that I actually prefer Pinkerton.
I think that No One Else into The World Has Turned is a far better follow up than Getchoo. This part of Blue album is my favourite part of the album and I honestly can't fault these songs. Although i preferred the opening track on Pinkerton, Blue wins out on the second track front. Mind you I love No Other One so I am not including it with Getchoo here. I think personally for me it would be stupid to talk about No One Else and The World Has Turned as individual tracks. For me, they are a part and should never be listened to individually.
Ah, the middle of Blue album. This is one of the main reasons Pinkerton is so much better. From Why Bother all the way to Butterfly Pinkerton is consistent. Every single track deserves to be there. It is perfectly put together to create an emotional rollercoaster. Now let's look at Blue. Buddy Holly, one of the first Weezer songs I heard.
I personally enjoy the song for nostalgic reasons, but frankly, comparing it to the tracks on Pinkerton is an insult. Buddy Holly might as well be meaningless rambling in comparison. Yes, it is catchy. Yes, the beat and instrumentation are solid and enjoyable. But, I just can't say it is on the same level lyrically with any of the remaining songs on Pinkerton (in before "huhhuh, what are you 15?"). If you think Buddy Holly has as well crafted a narrative as Across The Sea, there is no hope for you, you are already lost.
Undone Sweater. I have a soft spot for songs that have a conversation like this one does. I actually really dig this song. But, again does it live up to Pinkerton, not really. I honestly don't think any of the songs on Blue can compare to the tracks on Pinkerton from here on. The back end of Pinkerton is just on another level. The songs are lyrically superior with better narratives in the songs.
Arguably you could make the point that narrative and lyrics aren't the only things that matter in music, and I'd agree with you. I just don't think the middle and end of Blue is comparable or better than Pinkerton in any regard. Whereas Blue has arguably weak tracks like Surfs Wax America and Holiday Pinkerton excels with some of the best Weezer tracks ever, like The Good Life, Falling For You and Butterfly.
For me, Pinkerton with the exception of Getchoo is 10/10 tracks all the way through. Whereas Blue has a couple of 8/10 tracks in a row. You can't honestly tell me you think Surfs Wax America, Holiday, Buddy Holly or Undone are ten out of ten tracks. They just aren't.
All this aside, Only in Dreams is fantastic. It's a great conclusion to a great album. It still didn't have me in tears like Butterfly. But, that has something to do with Pinkerton having a better lead up to its conclusion. Blue doesn't manage to set up its conclusion as well.
To conclude obviously this is all my rubbish opinion if you actually stuck through reading all of that rambling, thanks. All memes aside I think both of the albums are masterpieces. My personal preference just leans towards Pinkerton. At least we can all agree Pacific Daydream sucked. ..right?