While in college, building an awesome resume is on every student's list of priorities. Whether it's assuming a leadership position or volunteering in the community, college students are constantly taking on new activities to help them stand out to a potential employer. However, all students are still left with one incredibly important task after the end of the day -- writing an actual resume. Here are five tips from PINK Campus Representatives across the country to help you build and write the perfect resume.
1. Get involved in a wide variety of campus activities.
Having multiple things to put on your resume not only shows that you have vast experience, but that you're skilled in time management as well!
"I [...] hold an associate position in my sorority, am a mentor to freshman in my old dorm, a part of Chabad on campus, hold a marketing internship and write for hercampus.com," says PINK Campus Rep Sabrina from CU Boulder.
2. Be thorough but get to the point when describing your experience.
Don't simply list a position on your resume. Describe the various activities you did in that position and the experience it gave you, but don't ramble.
"[Being a Campus Rep] has greatly increased my confidence in professional settings, public speaking, event hosting and planning, budgeting, interviewing, hiring," says PINK Campus Rep Lauren from CU Boulder.
Including the things that you've learned from your position, like Lauren mentioned, helps your resume stand out among the rest!
3. Tailor your resume to the position you are applying for.
Always give a comprehensive look at your qualifications and experience, but try to highlight things that are most relevant to the position you're submitting the application for.
For a position with PINK, many Campus Reps note that they highlighted their passion for the brand. "I have always thought of myself as a PINK girl and always had a deep connection to the brand," says Sabrina.
4. Get involved with things that are relevant to the career field you hope to enter.
Devote your time to activities and organizations that you not only enjoy but also that will benefit you in the future.
Regarding her experience as a PINK Campus Rep, Kat from Oklahoma State says, "The experience I have and can show through videos, social media [posts], and advertising tactics will also help me immensely whenever I enter the advertising field in the future!"
5. Network, network, network!
"I have made a ton of connections," says PINK Campus Rep Maddie Duffy from Oklahoma State.
Use these connections to your benefit! Everyone around you has something to offer -- whether it's a skill to add to your resume or a connection within your desired industry. Make it your mission to learn something from everyone you meet!
There you have it! A recipe to concoct the perfect mix of personality and professionalism as you search for the job, internship, or opportunity of your dreams. If you're reading this thinking, "Well, how do I get started?" Start by putting in your application to become a PINK Campus Representative and join a group of amazing women and where you can learn to put these tips into practice.