Last week I turned 20. I still feel like I'm 15. It's weird. I guess I had always thought that 20 would feel different. I thought that by this time I'd have more figured out. Unfortunately, I don't have everything figured out. While I might not have everything figured out, I do feel like I've lived enough life to look back and reflect on some pieces of advice that I wish I could have given my younger self. Here are some things I've learned these past 20 years.
1. Always sing in the shower
You're never too old to belt out your favorite songs in the shower.
2. Don't waste your time pursuing people who don't pursue you
While it can be hard to let people go from your life, at some point, you have to choose those who choose you back.
3. No one cares about how you look
You think they do, but they really don't.
4. Things ALWAYS look better in the morning
Always. Problems always seem worst at the end of the day. A good night's sleep gives new perspectives to even the worst of problems.
5. Eat ice cream often
No matter the occasion, ice cream is always a good idea. Don't be scared of calories.
6. Read a lot of books
Loads of them. They teach you more about yourself and they make you a more well-spoken person and a better writer.
7. Skipping class is not the end of the world
At the time it may feel like the end of the world, but in the long run, it's not. If you have a better opportunity, take it.
8. Turn down invitations to pity parties
Time spent pitying yourself is time you aren't spending building your future.
9. Take a bath once in a while
Baths are rejuvenating and relaxing. We need more baths in our lives.
10. It's never too late to change
You can always remake yourself. No matter what.
11. Always say thank you
People don't thank each other enough. Just saying "thank you" can make someone's day.
12. When a guy asks you to prom, say yes
Put your pride to the side and take opportunities when they come.
13. Don't live in the past
No matter how hard you wish you could change the past, you can't. Focus on your future and the things you can change, and leave the past in the past.
14. Mental health days are always acceptable
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you need a break, take a break.
15. Handwrite your notes
A handwritten note sent to a friend speaks volumes. The written word doesn't have to be dead.
16. Spend time with your family
Spend as much time as you can, because it doesn't last forever.
17. Go to bed early every once in a while
Not all the time, but sometimes, and you don't have to feel guilty about it either.
18. You can never own too many pajamas
Pajamas are, by far, the best type of clothing.
19. Be kind to everyone
Everyone. You never know what people are going through.
20. It's your responsibility to make yourself happy
This is something that a professor of mine told me once and I have really taken it to heart. You can't rely on others to make you happy, because they won't. It's up to you to work and pray for happiness in life, both in your 20s and beyond.