We are human. We simply get attached to things and wish to be able to shrink them into pocket size items to take wherever we go. (Oh you don't?...Weird that must just be me!) Anyway, it is easy to get attached to things whether it be people, places, or objects. Yes, your basic nouns...for all of you grammar fanatics! (No? Just me again? OK!) Some of us are reluctant to let our heart reach out to these people, places, or things. While others are okay with letting a little piece of their heart reside with it. Let me tell you a little story...
This past weekend, two pieces of my heart were left with children under the age of two. One is a over a year while the other is only a couple of months old. It baffles me that a child could love so much and be so genuine when they don't even know/realize what they are doing! This little girl stole my heart! She trusted so easily and would want nothing more than to have you come and explore with her. Of course, her adorable smile, the way she said my name, and her grasp/tug on your finger to come with her absolutely melted my heart. I caved! The other little one, being a precious baby boy. He was just a snuggle-bug and I just wanted to hold him forever! So, you can imagine that I got my baby fix in!
As we were on our way home from spending a few days with this family, we received a call from the children's mom. She told us that the little girl cried for 20 minutes after we left. She pouted and was crying for me to come back. It broke my heart! Knowing that she was already missing me, I wanted to turn the car around and go back! But that's when I realized something. I couldn't turn the car around or go visit the kiddos anytime I wanted, but that is alright because as long as they understand the love I have for them that's all I want. I decided that I put a little piece of my heart into their little hands. What they do with it is their choice, but I hope to have them one day understand that I love them unconditionally and will be there for them anytime they are in need. Isn't it comforting knowing that someone is always there for you? I know I always take comfort in that and I cherish those relationships because they are worth the love we spare.
It isn't the fact that they are mere children! It's the fact that they have the capability to take a 20-year-old's heart and show it something new, something it hasn't seen in a while, something that is refreshing. I saw true love and was reminded of the hearts with pure intention. Many times, we get caught up in the grand scheme of things and forget to remember what is important. We lose ourselves and get lost in life. If we just remember the things that hold a piece of our hearts and the memories that go with them we will truly lead a life of happiness. You will remember how you felt at that moment and be reminded of the raw emotions that came with it.
Don't be afraid. It is alright to love unconditionally. It is alright to leave pieces of your heart with the places and people you love. Don't regret it; even if you give a piece of your heart to the wrong person. At one time you truly loved them and decided give them something they would never neglect. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but at a place and a time, you felt something...something important that made you want to hold onto that moment forever. Don't ever regret it. Either it was a learning point in your life or your heart healed. Don't hold onto it. Be willing to leave a little bit of yourself everywhere! Your heart is capable of so much love. Share it! Let people and places mark your heart forever. Let it be a moment of reflection and remembrance.
I leave you with one last thought. If you share the love in your heart and break off pieces for those things you cherish won't you have everlasting happiness? Take a moment to reflect on who and what holds a piece of your heart. I promise you that you will be smiling within seconds. That my friends is true happiness.