Granted, we still really love to eat. There’s nothing I love more than blueberry scones (cold, I don’t like warm fruit) or fettuccine alfredo. We just have our limitations through texture, smell, and taste. That being said, here’s some struggles we all know too well.
1. Food Touching
There’s nothing worse than finding corn in your macaroni and cheese. Keeping everything separate ensures that these tragedies will be avoided.
2. Eating at a friends house
Want to talk about feeling guilty? Once, my friend ordered Hawaiian pizza without consulting and I picked everything off but basically came close to crying while eating it because I could still taste the pepper.
3. Eating at a restaurant
“Yeah, could we get a couple more minutes?” Restaurants will add in things like tomatoes or spinach into their spaghetti, leaving us to pick it all out if they neglect our request to leave it out. Unless you want to wait forever for me to decide what I want to eat, it’s probably best to go somewhere familiar.
4. Actually trying a new food
It’s one thing to actually like it- that almost never happens. But not liking it is expected but dreaded, because you were actually brave enough to put it in your mouth and risk gagging.
5. Having food shoved in your face
Please, I am an adult. Do understand, since I literally just said I didn’t want to try it, that wasn’t actually an invitation to put a spoonful of it in the general vicinity of my mouth, thanks.
6. It's too risky to try new foods
Sometimes, you’ve got to stick with what you know, even if that means eating the same breakfast every day or even having the same meal for lunch and dinner.
7. Hearing the words "try it, you'll like it!"
Not as bad as food shoving, just annoying. I would put some serious money out on the table to bet with you that I won’t like it. No, this doesn’t mean this is an open argument for you to state your claim of how much you love it. Stop. Save yourself. I have my own taste buds. Last I knew, ours weren’t the same.
8. The "look"
This look is a combination of complete and utter disbelief, shock, confusion, but in their eyes, you can tell they are questioning your sanity. SORRY, I DON’T LIKE CHEESECAKE, OKAY?
Overall, it’s a hard life when you’re a picky eater. Regardless of how much more we don’t eat, there are a few foods we love. Maybe that means we have more of an appreciation for the foods we eat?