I have grown up as a picky eater.
As a child, my diet only consisted of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. While I wish I could still eat that every day, my diet as a young adult has grown a little more, but is still pretty limited. I don't like tomatoes, avocados, hot dogs, or really any red meat. I also don't like bananas or milk, and sometimes green beans make my throat itchy, so I try to avoid those too. There are probably many others I could add to my list, but yes, I get it. I'm picky.
Now, that the holidays are coming up, I, just like everyone else, am looking forward to the upcoming feast. However, I do run into some problems on this holiday.
1. Out of the 20 options on the table, I'll probably only eat 3 of them.
The feast looks amazing, but realistically, I am only gonna grab 3-4 of the items. Please do not pass me the cranberry sauce or green bean casserole. I do not want them. I am content with my small, but very delicious plate.
2. There will probably be an odd food addition, just for me.
My family has always been aware of my pickiness, so I usually end up getting some weird side dish that doesn't really go with the traditional holiday meal, but my family knows it will make me happy. Sorry, I do not want your stuffing, but this Velveeta Mac and Cheese looks good!
3. Stop trying to make me "try things."
How I Met Your Mother GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphyEvery year, everyone wants to focus on the picky eater. "Oh my gosh, you don't like (whatever food they are talking about)! Here, just try it!" No. I do not want to try pumpkin pie for the 10,000 time, because you made me try it last year. I do not like it and I will not eat it.
4. When people compare you to someone less picky.
I have a lot of cousins and during dinner, someone always brings up the fact that my 4-year-old cousin is eating more adventurously than me. Okay, he will eat whatever you give him because he doesn't know the difference, I do. I'm not immature for eating "worse" than him.
5. I usually get more helpings than everyone else.
While this can be a blessing or a curse, since I am eating way less food than everyone else, I get to fill up on more of them. Basically, give me a double serving of turkey, quadruple my mashed potato intake, and I'll probably end up eating all the rolls by tomorrow.
6. Time for dessert?
My family slowly starts going into the food comas, after about two helpings of food. Yet, I'm still thinking about the multitudes of desserts waiting for me. So, I'm usually that person that asks directly after dinner, "Time for dessert?" while everyone else can't bear to think about eating anything else.
The holidays can be a picky eater's worse nightmare, but after all these years, I feel like you just gotta get through it. Sure, the comments can suck and the thought of eating some of that food is disgusting. However, the main point of this time of year is to be with family. So, even though the experience of dinner may be bad, the rest of the holiday can be pretty fun. Plus, you have a whole year until you have to do it again!