With Spring Break in the rearview mirror and the end of the semester approaching there's one thing to look forward to before a week long bender of all nighters in the library: Formal.
For freshmen that haven't had the opportunity to go to formal, you have missed out. Three questions that come up with every formal: Where is it? What do you want on your cooler? And what type of stuff do you want to fill up your cooler?
Having gone to formal a time or two and experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly, here's a five-step criteria guide on things to consider when trying to find your formal date.
How fun is the person?
This is the number one thing to look at, because at the end of the day you're going to have a good time, not just sit around. There's nothing worse than feeling like you have to tone things down just because you feel like your date is uncomfortable being there. Make sure that the person you take is able to not only interact with you but also with the rest of the people there.
How crazy is the person?
This is the ever present red flag that can make or break a formal experience. I like to think this ties in with how fun a date is as mentioned in the heading above. Every formal there comes a point during formal where you'll want you own space on this two day event. Things to ask yourself here is will your date be a clinger? Is she able to hang out with the other girls and be comfortable? And finally, will she cause a scene at any point during the formal?
The cooler
I give the girls that make coolers a lot of respect due to the artistic design that some put into it. The practicality of a formal cooler stretches well beyond formal. Using it for the pool, summer, and tailgates for next football season all are options. While the cooler isn't the make or break for a formal date it is a nice little bonus to sport a badass cooler.
The alcohol
I put this on here just because you can tell a lot about your date based on what she likes to drink and what she gets you. Tequila: high risk, high reward. McCormicks Vodka: pray for your liver. I don't place a huge value on the alcohol that I get but it's always nice to not be comatose by the end of the weekend. Tip: Bourbon and whiskey are always good options along with a 12-pack of nice beer. Woodford Reserve and a 12 of Sweetwater is a personal favorite. Hint. Hint.
This is the final thing right here on the list. I put it on here because there will be pictures that'll be taken there, posted on Facebook and Instagram, and maybe even Snapchat. Everyone wants to look great dressed up and the simple fact is that most people look better in formal attire. Find a date that you are comfortable to take pictures with before the formal dinner, on the beach, or wherever you deem fit. Along with that find someone that you can click well with whether it be as friends or something more. Formal is supposed to be one of the most fun events of the year so make sure it is.