Dear Humans,
Trump sucks, but so does all of this negative energy in America.
I don't know how much more sad news I can bear and I'm sure you couldn't agree more.
And I'm not referring to the presidential election, no, I'm referring to the after-effect: the hatred that has been set in motion and that fills every one of my social media feeds. The fear that it has caused and what that fear is pushing people to do is frightening. I don't wish to share entirely my personal opinion on the current American president, but I do wish for least Americans, and those who reside in America, to simply wait and see how everything unfolds.
For now, I'm just happy to be able to take some negativity away and share some positive vibes from this week with you.
Happier Times #1: The NYPD discovered at a crash site a vehicle that was transporting 104 puppies to sell illegally, ALL WHICH WERE RESCUED!
Happier Times #2: Airbnb is providing free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the United States.
Happier Times #3: The world average life expectancy has increased by 6 years since 1990.
Happier Times #4: Boston Federal Court puts hold on Trump's travel, refugee ban - which brings us to more good news: THE PEOPLE ARE BEING HEARD!
Happier Times #5: Each and every day, there are superior humans looking for cures, for alternatives to better our life on earth, they're even searching for a new planet that could save future generations - people who don't even concern them.
How do we not continue to spread that around the internet? I couldn't tell you how difficult it was to run into, merely four, real, positive articles. Looks like the all the happier news gets lost in a pile, lying on all of the money-hungry-hippos' desks.
Best of Luck,
P.S. Spread some love and exchange a few hugs and kisses this year because the world is seriously lacking those good vibrations.