As high school graduations roll around, the beginning of fall semester is only a few months away. College is a very different experience than high school, comprised of many more grown up decisions; the first being what you want to do for the rest of your life. Your college education will be based around this as well as your future, so pick wisely.
My biggest piece of advice is to pursue a career in something you are passionate about. Other people may not understand why you're contemplating a certain path, but don't let that refrain you. This is your life, do what makes you happy. I picked a major that my dad isn't convinced is even a real major, but that hasn't stopped me. I'm going into my senior year and have no regrets about the choices I have made and where I have ended up because of them, and I couldn't be happier.
Not everyone is cut out to be a doctor or a lawyer, so don't force yourself into a career path because that's what your parents want you to do. College is a time to find yourself, figure out what you love, and to start building a life from there. If you pick your major based on what someone else told you, there is a good chance you won't be happy.
On the other hand, if you are interested in engineering or something medical, don't be scared away by the heavy workload and difficult classes. Studying is more bearable when you're interested in the subject and your advisor will help you plan your schedule so you aren't too overloaded. The amount of time and effort put in will pay off when you get the job you want. Don't pick a different major because it might be easier.
Many students pick a major based on the opinions of others, aren't happy, change their major after two years of school, and end up with 56 credit hours that are not applicable to the major they actually want. Please don't waste all that time and money trying to please someone else, do what you want. If you work hard enough in any field, you will become successful. Don't try to make your parents proud by going into pre- med and then end up not doing well. Pick what you want to do from the start and run with it. If you choose a job you like, you never have to work a day in your life.