All my life I have never really been a school person. I never doubted the fact that I was smart, but school didn’t interest me and my grades where low. My parents would get on me consistently for my grades and I still lacked the drive I needed in order to do well in school. My interest was elsewhere. Between sports and social life, school never really caught the attention it needed. In high school I wasn’t really interested in the classes I needed to graduate and I just got good enough grades for the college of my choice.
When heading to college and having to decide my major, I just started thinking of the future and that made me stressed out. I thought to myself “I am 18 years old, how do I know what I want to do with the rest of my life.” That’s when I made the best decision of my life so far, to study what I love instead of studying something random or something that will get me a high paying job. I have always loved writing and I am really social. When I started looking into majors one jumped out at me, the study of communication. All my dream jobs go around writing and communicating with others and this major seemed perfect for me.
Once I got to college, a spark hit me and I suddenly started doing better in school. Some tell me it’s because I matured or that just college changes people, but I 100 percent believe it's because I finally got to study something I was interested in. I started paying attention in class, I would participate in discussions, and was actually interested in what the professor talked about. During lectures I could feel my knowledge expand instead of questioning if I was being “brainwashed." I went from being a middle 2.0 student in high school to getting a 3.66 in my first year of college.
In college they say that you find yourself and I believe that completely. I might have learned a lot about myself socially but I learned even more about myself in the classroom. The biggest thing I learned in college so far is that college can be for everyone and that no one should think it isn’t. A certain major may not be right for everyone, but the thing that makes college different from high school is that you get to find what is right for you and that there are plenty of areas for you to choose from. It's important that you find the right major in college because when you do, the possibilities are endless. If I could challenge kids going into college or people going back to school, it would to be to find something that interests you instead of just studying something because it will make money or because you are expected to. The importance of just trying to find the right major for you in college is huge because you never know, you might just find yourself along the way, because I sure know I did.