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20 Photos Of Adorable Animals To Cure Your April Blues

Cue the tears.


If you are anything like this stressed out college student, every single teacher has decided to make your projects due in April. At the beginning of the year, you probably thought: oh, I've got until April to finish this, I've got plenty of time. Now April is here, it is flying by! If you are utterly exhausted from cram studying and hustling to complete all of your assignments by the end of this month, here is your little breather to look at 20 photos of the cutest animals I could find on the internet. No worries, this is in no particular order. Take care of yourselves and remember you've got this!

1. The College Pupper

This is my boyfriend's dog, Maggie. She is a thespian and loves serving the best looks.

2. The Leaf Enthusiast

This is little Stanley. He loves big hugs and soft leaves!

3. The Cuddler

This is Mr.Fluffers! He loves licking the air and cuddling.

4. The Classical Water Aero

This is Louise. She loves classical music and water aerobics.

5. The Furry Twins

Say hello to the cutest twins in town, Beth and Suzy. The enjoy fun trips to the dog park and afternoon tea.

6. The Queen of Circus

This tearjerking cutie is named Penelope. She is the queen of the circus and loves to perform stunts for her friends.

7. The Friendly Elephant

This is Ellie the Elephant. She loves playing with her bird friends and chilling in the tall grass.

8. The Spoiled Flower Child

This is Elenor. She loves to be pampered and explore the outdoors.

9. The AristoCAT

Say hello to Buddy. He is a fancy kitty and enjoys the finer things in life.

10. The Collar Connoisseur

This is Sam. He loves snazzy collars and the sweet smell of tulips.

11. The Curious Listener 

Say a big hello one of the cutest seals in town, Maisel! She loves to listen to stories!

12. The Inquisitive Fella

This is Marvin. Marvin is an inquisitive fella.

13. The Spiker 

Mr. Zazzles is a spikey ball of fun for everyone!

14. The Track Star

Look at him run! Chase is the best chaser in the savannah.

15. The Fuzzy Friend

Benjamin loves fuzzy hats in the winter.

16. The Attention Seeker

Annabelle wants your attention! Come on, throw her the ball!

17. The Egg Hunter

Just in time for Easter, Ms. Hops is ready for the hunt — the egg hunt that is.

18. The Belly Rub Darlin'

Samantha is a precious darlin'. She loves a good belly rub.

19. The Nosey Neighbor

Oscar wants in on the info! And yes, the weather is really nice up here.

20. The Natural Model

Georgia loves her flower crowns and her photoshoots.

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