College life can get pretty hectic with daily classes, clubs, and other social events that make your campus shine. It's pretty understandable for you to get a little stressed, and one of the best ways to blow off steam is through creativity. That being said, here are six photography projects fit for a college student looking for a fun thing to do between classes or on the weekend.
1. Create a GIF.
One of the best ways to capture how wicked cool something is on campus is to record a cinemagraph, or gif, of a quick moment in time. This is the best way to put together a proper GIF in Photoshop, but there are many websites that can help if you don't have access to the software.
2. Stitch together a Small World Photo.
This really simple project has a high reward. The trick is to make a 360 panorama by taking pictures of your surroundings and stitching them together using this method in Photoshop.
3. Complete an A-Z Photo Chart.
This project involves a bit of artistic creativity and imagination. The goal is to compile an alphabetical series of photographs using objects that look like letters as your subjects. It may seem silly at first, but when the project comes together, it is the most satisfying thing possible.
4. Pick a Theme and Stick with it.
Sometimes the best way to do a photography project is to pick a theme and stick with it. There's something about repetitive quality that makes certain compositions appealing to the eye, and this is a good example of that.
5. Start a 52 Weeks Project.
This kind of project is very time oriented: it will take 52 weeks to complete. Rather than follow through with aesthetics, this is more about documenting your life over the course of the year, which is perfect for any college student.
6. Test out some Macro Photography.
Not everyone has a fancy camera lens to do this kind of photography, but the gist of it remains the same whether you're using a macro lens or an iPhone: focus on the parts rather than the whole.
Even if you're not artistically focused, sometimes the best way to kick back is to get creative with a camera. Try it out one weekend and see what kind of shots you can get!