This past summer, my family and I went to Boston for the first time. When I heard we were going, I had one request: we absolutely had to see Fenway Park! I would not say I am a baseball super-fan, but I know a good game when I see one. If I was that close to the oldest baseball field in America and didn't go, I would have gone insane. Luckily, my family was totally down with going to see the field. And luckily for you, I'm taking you on a virtual tour! Do not forget your ticket!
Fenway park first opened its doors in 1912. Since then, the stadium has been holding some of the most iconic sports events known to man (one time, it even had a ski ramp in it!) The most important events, of course, are Boston Red Sox games! The saying usually is, "the view from the cheap seat," but this, my friend, is the view from the ORIGINAL wooden seats. While sitting in these seats, your butt is being cradled by the wood that has seen every single change throughout the years the stadium has been used. Man, if chairs could speak, I wonder what they would say?
Another icon of Fenway Park is the Green Monster. You can't miss it! The Green Monster is Fenway's original scoreboard, and it is certainly a unique characteristic to the park. Rain or shine, heat or snow, a lucky (or maybe unlucky) few would spend the games inside the giant dark green wall, changing tiles and keeping fans up to date!
On top of the Green Monster are some of the most sought after seats in the whole stadium. Prices drastically vary depending on what team the Red Sox are playing, but no matter what game you score, these seats are bound to give you the best view in the house.
(Peep one of the only green Coca Cola machines IN THE WORLD.)
When looking out from these incredible seats, you will see a bright yellow foul pole covered in signatures! The Fisk Pole is the Left Field foul pole, and it earned its name by helping the Red Sox win one of the most dramatic World Series games in history. When Carlton Fisk hit the ball, it was headed straight for the foul pole and the whole stadium thought it was gone; however, the ball rebounded off of the pole and helped the Red Sox's beat the Reds in a 7 to 6 finish in 1975.
Not only is Fenway super amazing on its own, but they are also considerate of the environment and the people that visit their stadium every year. On the rooftop of the stadium, Fenway is working to perfect rooftop gardening. The garden is named "Fenway Farms." By doing this, there is a constant supply of fresh food at the stadium; they are learning to use their space to the best of its ability!
Of course, these are not all the great things about Fenway Park! But, I hope you enjoyed this virtual tour and one day get the chance to see it for yourself!