At the University of Alabama Homecoming week is full of fun activities all leading up to the big Homecoming football game, and the return of former UA students. However for the Greek organizations on campus the week leading up to Homecoming is full of pomping, in order to create lawn decorations that represent the homecoming theme.
This year's theme was Forever Crimson: Firm, Loyal, Faithful and True. When all of the lawn decorations are completed, the homecoming committee judges them and picks a winner.
Coming in first place was Chi Omega, then Phi Mu second, and Alpha Delta Pi third.
Below is a gallery of all of the Greek lawn decorations if you didn't get a chance to see them yourself!
Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Phi Alpha & Kappa Kappi Psi:
Alpha Delta Pi, Pi Kappa Psi & Lambda Chi Alpha:
Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Alpha, Alpha Delta Phi & Alpha Omega Epsilon:
Alpha Omicron Pi, Theta Chi, Omega Psi Phi & Phi Sigma Pi:
Alpha Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Alpha Kappa Lambda & Sigma Alpha Mu:
Chi Omega, Zeta Beta Tau & Delta Chi:
Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Tau Gamma & Kappa Alpha Psi:
Delta Gamma, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Chi & Phi Kappa Psi:
Delta Zeta, Delta Tau Delta, Chi Phi & Beta Upsilon Chi:
Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Delta Chi & Phi Kappa Tau:
Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Sigma Kappa & Sigma Lambda Theta:
Kappa Delta, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Phi & Lambda Sigma Phi:
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon & Delta Sigma Phi:
Phi Mu, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma & Phi Beta Sigma:
Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Pi & Zeta Phi Beta:
Zeta Tau Alpha, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Kappa Alpha & Theta Tau:
Image Credits: Emily Moessner