"What do you want out of your life?" -My sister during our annual Greys Anatomy Netflix-binge
This question completely stumped me because I think about this every day, but I can never find the answer. Of course, love and happiness comes to the top of my mind but as far as that goes, how am I supposed to know what I want out of this life when I've only lived 19 years of it? Am I supposed to have it all figured out? This question has been pestering me for the past week.
I finally came up with my own philosophy:
When you wake up in the morning, why do you decide to set an alarm the night before? To wake up and start the day, obviously. Why do you go into work every day? Easy answer, the money. If you’re anything like me, routines can get incredibly boring and cause a lack of motivation instantly. If you feel like your days seem like a robotic day-to-day schedule and you begin to think "What is the point?," start to ask yourself, "How can I change it up today?" Doing the slightest things that change your schedule such as trying a new creamer in your coffee, will surprisingly impact your day. This will also shake the "repetitive" feeling. It might not be as easy as it sounds, but you really have to apply yourself and find the small happy mediums in each day.
I'm the type of person to want to know all of the answers and have everything laid out for me in a planner, but I quickly learned that life does not work that way — and somehow I found simplicity in this, thanks to this funny little thing called Faith.
I'm not religious, but through my 19 years of living, I can tell you a couple of things about this underrated blessing. When life throws a curve-ball and everything that was supposed to happen didn't, I lean on Faith to guide me to where I am meant to be. Sometimes it is challenging to see the analysis behind this. But, I believe everything happens for a reason and you are going to end up where you belong. This doesn't mean: sit around and wait till something happens. You have control of your life; be in charge of it.
So, what is the meaning of life? Well, it depends on who you ask. To those who know what they want out of life and actually understand this — props to you. But for those of you who are still trying to figure it out and have no idea who you want to be or do — let me reassure you, you are not alone.
I have accepted the fact that I don't want to know all of the answers. What would life be like without all of these little surprises? There wouldn't be any joy, nor would we know what greatness felt like. I am still learning and finding my place in this world.
So, be scared. Put yourself into uncomfortable situations and embrace that "unknown" feeling. That's the fun of it. Take the opportunities — life doesn't hand them out often. And most importantly, it’s okay to not know — you'll figure out this crazy game called life eventually. Take it day by day and find passion within the 24 hours you get.
You were put in this world to achieve something greater than yourself. The little rocks that life throws your way? Use them as stepping stones to accomplish what you were destined to do.