Philadelphia, PA is known for many things: cheesesteaks, the "Rocky" steps, winning the 2018 Super Bowl, the list goes on and on. Something that defines Philly just as much as cheesesteak is the slang that many natives use on a daily basis. If you ever find yourself in Philadelphia, you must be current with the lingo. So, here are a few words you might want to add to your vocabulary.
1. Jawn
This word can be used to describe literally anything. It can be any person, place, or thing. Sometimes Jawn can be used to talk about a cute female, but it can be used for anything you want it to be.
(Ex: 1. Aye, pass me that jawn over there. 2. I was talking to this cute jawn the other day.)
3. Ard
Philly's version of "alright". Make sure you pronounce it exactly as spelled.
(Ex: Can you call me later? Ard.)
4. Drawlin'
A term used when someone is acting weird/crazy. It is frequently used when someone is doing something one might not approve of. Very similar to New York's "buggin" term.
(Ex: Yo, you see what he's doing? He drawlin'.)
5. Bid
Used when making fun of someone.
(Ex: Don't bid on me, I look good.)
6. Ocky
A word meaning fake or non-authentic.
(Ex: His Jordans ocky bruh.)
7. Youse
Philly's version of "y'all".
(Ex: What are youse up to?)
Philly slang might sound weird at first, but it just takes some time to get used to. After moving to Philly for school, it was actually fun to learn the new lingo. So, next time you find yourself in Philadelphia, try out some of these words. If you don't, you drawlin', ard?