How Phi Theta Kappa Has Had An Impact On My Life
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How Phi Theta Kappa Has Had An Impact On My Life

Usually, I do not think much about who or what had an influence on my life.

How Phi Theta Kappa Has Had An Impact On My Life

Usually, I do not think much about who or what had an influence on my life. As I write this article, however, I begin to reminisce my time with Phi Theta Kappa and how it influenced my life. Before I was involved in Phi Theta Kappa, I kept to myself and I did not socialize with a lot of people. I was involved with the Criminal Justice Club and Student Congress and I meet a few people as a result, but I was still rather introverted at the time. I suppose it was partially because I was not invited to any events outside of school, but my fear that I would be perceived as lesser since I did not drive probably played a role too.

Though I was okay with focusing on my grades, my job, my personal goals, and occasionally being active with the Criminal Justice Club and Student Congress, I was not content with my life. When I was invited to join Phi Theta Kappa, my interest was somewhat peaked and I wanted to join to learn more about what it might have in store for me.

Then, my day came for me to be inducted into Phi Theta Kappa on January 30th, 2014. After that came the membership meetings, which informed new members about what to expect as newly inducted members of Phi Theta Kappa. Out of everything that was discussed, what I remember being the most excited about was hearing that the International Convention would be hosted at the Disney Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida.

That convention included a few firsts: the first time I went to Disney World, the first time I flew, the first time I had friends who actively strived to make sure I took better care of myself and the first time that I realized how much I wanted to be involved in Phi Theta Kappa. Thinking back on it now, the experience I had made me wish that I also decided to attend the Regional Convention in Corning instead of simply hoping that I would end up going to Florida.

Even though I started to realize some changes in myself after becoming more involved with Phi Theta Kappa, I had to invest more of myself to Phi Theta Kappa in order to ensure that the chapter could meet or surpass its goals and that I would grow as a person. In order to accomplish both of these feats, I became a more active member by serving as the Vice President of Fellowship of the Lambda Beta Chapter. I admit that I made some mistakes when communicating with members and college administration when it came time to work on our chapter’s Honors in Action project on perceptions of visible tattoos and facial piercings in the workplace.

I also came up with ideas for a fellowship that I did not devote myself to wholeheartedly due to other commitments and a lack of initiative on my part. Consequently, I learned that as a leader, I must be open to constructive criticism and that I cannot always bring all my ideas to life since there will be other commitments that need to be completed.

Indeed, I made some of my best recent memories with the Lambda Beta chapter, but I thought I could grow more as a person and a leader if I somehow continued my involvement with Phi Theta Kappa.

Thus, I decided to run for Alumni Representative at the Regional Convention in Utica last year last minute after being convinced by my friends that I could fulfill the requirements of the role. While I succeeded in being elected the Alumni Representative from the New York Region, I initially believed I knew everything that would be in store for me. I could not have been more incorrect since I could not have predicted being delayed for a day and a half on the way to Honors Institute in Albuquerque nor could I have predicted being unable to attend Regional Officer Training in New York City due to having to recover from my shoulder injuries. Nevertheless, both of those experiences taught me the importance of optimism, patience, and teamwork.

All the same, there were also positive aspects that came with being involved with Phi Theta Kappa that was as important as the negative moments that occurred. I met some of the most amazing people I have ever met through Phi Theta Kappa some of whom became like brothers, mothers, and fathers to me. I also met my official sister from another mister through Phi Theta Kappa and she developed my sassy side, inspired me to think differently about relationships, and also showed me that it is fine to be vulnerable instead of trapping my thoughts and feelings inside of me.

Additionally, I met my first true love through Phi Theta Kappa and though her and I are only friends, I learned to be open to different kinds of people in my pursuit of romance, to be more ambitious, and to show love to people without expecting reciprocation of any kind. Lastly, thanks to Phi Theta Kappa, I met people who looked past my epilepsy and saw me for who I truly am and realized that at some point in the future, I want to serve as a Phi Theta Kappa advisor and give back to the organization that shaped me in so many different ways.

I want to conclude by thanking my friends Amy, AnnMarie, Amanda, Ainsley, Bridget, Dr. Alex, Jennifer, Michael, Naim, Richard, and the rest of my friends and family that have supported me while I was involved with Phi Theta Kappa. I would especially like to thank my friend Iga for the adorable pictures she took of my service dog, Fresca, at the International Convention in Washington, D.C., Amanda for being my sister from another mister, and Richard for making Fresca an honorary Regional Officer. Overall, being active in Phi Theta Kappa was an overwhelmingly positive part of my life and I encourage anybody who is interested in becoming more active in Phi Theta Kappa to do so for it will be inspiring and life-changing.

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