Phi Sigma Kappa: Taking Greek Life At Appalachian State To New Heights
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Phi Sigma Kappa: Taking Greek Life At Appalachian State To New Heights

Take a look at the newest fraternity at App State.

Phi Sigma Kappa: Taking Greek Life At Appalachian State To New Heights
Phi Sigma Kappa Appalachian State

Greek life’s presence in the media hasn’t exactly been perfect lately. In fact, with the rise of social media outlets, the public’s ideas in regard to fraternities and sororities have been sorely warped and misconstrued into visions of elitism, partying, and overall ignorance. Organizations at Appalachian State have worked together in the past year to break the stereotypes that have unfortunately been associated with Greek life, and to create an overall more welcoming community for those interested in being a part of a sisterhood or brotherhood.

However, some still feel intimidated by the idea of “rushing” a fraternity or sorority, even at a school like Appalachian, due largely in part to what they’ve heard or seen on TV and in the movies.

Recently, an organization has joined the Greek community at Appalachian State, ready to dispel all preconceived notions that the public has in regard to Greek life, not just for themselves and their personal gain, but for the better of all organizations as a whole.

Meet Phi Sigma Kappa, the group of men that don’t want to just be a fraternity at Appalachian State, but instead, they want to be a fraternity for Appalachian State.

Upon joining the community of the campus, Phi Sigma Kappa strategically gravitated toward men that wouldn’t typically see themselves in a fraternity. Their newest members come from many different walks of life, and organizations such as A Cappella singing groups, The Appalachian student newspaper, the ROTC program, and many more. This type of recruitment gave the organization a chance to diversify their newest group of founding members, while simultaneously bringing new perspective and qualified additions to the Greek community.

Phi Sigma Kappa has found leaders from every corner of campus, and has rapidly put them in positions of involvement. The fraternity is eager to find partnerships within the Greek community of Appalachian, and in return, give back to the community and surrounding areas of Boone. Appalachian State has a knack for sustainability, and these guys are ready to leave a positive “footprint” everywhere they go.

In regard to changing the media presence of fraternal organizations, Phi Sigma Kappa has already kicked off a campus-wide, three-week initiative to promote unity among the women of Greek life. By partnering with the PanHellenic Council at Appalachian State, Phi Sigma Kappa has created a call to Greek unity, where women of each sorority can promote and like a photo that Phi Sigma Kappa posted on Facebook, which lists each sorority’s name. In addition, sorority women can follow the men of Phi Sigma Kappa (@PSKAppState) and use the hash tag #NeersUnite to talk about what sisterhood has meant to them and their college experience. Follow the link here to like the photo and help the organization reach their goal!

The Odyssey at Appalachian State had the opportunity to sit down and interview the expansion team for the chapter, consisting of Connor Saum, Greg DalSanto, and Grant Carpenter.

“We want to recruit men that change the experience that the public has with Greek life. Finding men who value positive interactions with members among and outside of the Greek community is important to our team,” said Saum.

In regard to the new member process of Phi Sigma Kappa, a “pledge-ship” is not a part of their vocabulary. Instead, members will go through a period of learning the chapter’s rituals and values.

“Our goal is to recruit gentlemen, to further develop their character, and to shape them into men that are known for the right reasons,” said DalSanto.

When asked to describe the ideal Phi Sigma Kappa man, the team noted that he is someone who is driven, involved, and striving to be a man of character every day. In regard to qualities, this man puts scholarship first, before anything. Dually noted, Phi Sigma Kappa aims to be a compliment to an individual gentleman’s educational experience above anything else. This ideal man also includes someone who understands what he reaps is what he sows, one that is ready to give back more than he will ever expect.

The men of Phi Sigma Kappa wished to reiterate, they are here to gain partnerships and are excited to be involved with all other organizations, reminding members that they are all brothers of the same community, regardless of the letters each individual organization wears. In addition, their support is not limited to one subset of the community, as they are excited to partner with a diverse range of organizations on campus including NPHC, the Wellness Center, and other non-Greek based philanthropic organizations.

Built on a foundation of scholarship, brotherhood, and service, these men are eager to dispel stereotypes, get involved, shape young men into leaders and achievers, and we must say, Appalachian State is Damn Proud.

If you'd like to reach out to the men of Phi Sigma Kappa in regards to a partnership of any kind please contact President, Austin Quint at (919) 793-3461.

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