PH Level: Basic
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PH Level: Basic

I'll Take A Nonfat, No foam, Extra Soy, Extra Chai, Pumpkin Spice Latte With Cinnamon On Top Please

PH Level: Basic

Oh, the PH scale of modern day media. Who knew a common chemistry term could flood mainstream media like a "white girl" plague. If you haven't guessed it, I'm referring to this magical five letter term, "basic." The dictionary definition of basic goes as follows:

1. Used to describe any person, place, activity involving obscenely obvious behavior, dress, action. Unsophisticated. Transparent motives.

2. Forming or relating to the most important part of something, the forming or relating to the first or easiest part of something, not including anything extra.

Reading these generalizations, I would never classify myself as basic. In fact, I was the first person to throw it around like an insult. That was until the other day I walked into Starbucks, and they got my name right without asking because it was the third nonfat winter themed latte I had gotten that week. Had I crossed into the realm of basicness? The black hole of seasonal drinks and fuzzy boots? I refused to believe it, and then I reexamined my life.

I count down until the next episode of "The Bachelor"...

I own 3 pairs of the same black leggings, just in case, and designate shopping trips for legging buying...

I have a Pinterest board designated to my dream wedding and a board that displays delicious step by step recipes...

I want a tattoo of an overused quote...

I once ordered a seasonal latte every day of my first week on campus...once I found out there was a Starbucks in walking distance..literally a minute convenient...

I can quote season 1 through 6 of "Gossip Girl", the never-ending seasons of "Grey's Anatomy", and I heard "Jane the Virgin" is pretty cool so maybe that's my next Netflix addiction...

My bed is the love of my life, Netflix is the side chick, Ben and Jerry are my backups, and Dominos delivered at 2 am is the rebound...

I think Target is one of the greatest places on earth, above Disney World on my list...

If you lose me I'm probably getting coffee, doing cardio, watching Netflix under the twinkly lights and tapestry I hung in my room or browsing Target for things I don't need...

Sometimes I snapchat or Instagram my meals...

I also pose for candid pictures to pair with song lyrics when I post them...

I collect socks. Knee high, holiday, fuzzy, athletic; I have them all...sometimes I pair them with combat boots or booties...

I once tried to complete a juice cleanse, and lasted one sip...

I'm salty. I don't own a pair of tall Uggs that I can fold over with my leggings...

I believe the "10 Things I Hate About You", "Dirty Dancing", "The Notebook", and "Mean Girls" are monumental films...I mean if you're a bird I'm a bird right?...

It was happening. Somewhere, a girl wearing Ugg Boots, a Patagonia, and monogrammed anything was smiling, knowing that another victim has crossed into the basic realm. The realm of season-themed lattes, hot yoga, and using different emails to get the 50 percent sale on all Tobi items.

I can feel myself slowly drowning in chai tea and tasteless quinoa, and I don't know how to swim. I've spent actual money on a Lily Pulitzer planner. I have an endless supply of Pandora charms and Alex and Ani bangles. And I have spent a shameless amount of time finding the perfect caption for my 50th selfie because it deserves more creativity than just a sassy Emoji.

Trust me, I wish I wasn't so fond of the mainstream. I wish I liked records, blogging, and took pictures with a Polaroid (which I actually do because they're cute). I wish herbal tea didn't make me feel like I was drinking dirty water, and hell I wish I typed this with a typewriter on recycled paper (#ecofriendly).

But no, I am the person that listens to this week's top 40 hits, celebrates October 3rd as a national holiday (if you don't get the joke, you can't sit with me), and owns 50 pairs of shoes including white converse and Duck boots. I'm the person who makes obnoxious birthday posts, candid and ridiculous snapchats, and takes numerous Buzzfeed quizzes to see what "Friends" character I am.

So I guess, I am part of the mainstream crew; an all-inclusive team. I AM BASIC. Say it with me: "I am basic, and I am proud." So to you plaid wearing, basic bashing, Michael Cera and Emma Watson, look-a-likes, try some froyo and a seasonal coffee drink because chances are, my friend, you'll agree it's pretty fricken good. Because I think mainstream things are mainstream for a reason: they're great. And deep down if we stopped being ashamed of our basicness and resisting the urge to purchase a pumpkin spice latte, we might find were all pretty basic, and that's pretty alright.

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