Petty Wap? Petty Much? Mc-Petty? Petty is one of those old phrases but it seems that everyone is using it now. You can call it a buzzword. In a nutshell, being a petty person means that you can take the smallest thing and make it a big thing. Exaggeration and being a drama queen can be associated with being Petty Boop. See what I did there?
It's human nature to be a little petty at times and if you can recognize it first. There isn’t an age limit to being this way. You may even find out that your g is petty about something that your mother did when she was little. A person who can’t let go, a hater, and the most famous, a bully. The phrase can be taken out of context at times, but they all mean the same.
How can you tell if your are being petty? Here are 8 reasons the tell if you have a petty side.
Hovering on social media
If your friend decides to ignore your call, then you see her on Facebook posting pictures, and you comment on her statuses asking why she didn’t answer. You might be on the verge of petty. She is your friend, not your property. Keep that info off-line. Just approach her about it
You mad?
We can all admit to this one a bit. When your friend brings a new person around that you have never met, thinks that she can just easily be a part of the friend group, but you refuse to accept her. We all can be attached to our friends but it is ok to let some of those strangers in sometimes.
Reveling in others' failures
We all go through bad things in life but usually there is always someone there that will help us get through it. If you find yourself excited that someone else failed at something or was defeated, then petty might apply to you.
Being a tell-all
People may share their secrets with you because they trust you. When they have problems at home, work or in relationships that doesn’t give you the right to tell the world about it. This is a form of bullying. When someone tells you something just listen and forget, because you were their confidante for the moment.
No Show
This is one of the most annoying things a person can do. If you make plans to go out with your friends knowing that you won’t show up then you my dear have a problem. Don’t make plans and tell people you are going to do something just because it sounds good. That is like quitting a job without a two weeks notice. Informing people is just the courteous thing to do
Smarty pants
There are different levels of knowledge. Some people may be book smart and others can be more street smart. There is nothing with having confidence in who you are but don’t treat others as if they are dumb. Don’t talk down to them as if they are peasants and you are a queen.
Being close-minded
We are in college now and you can walk pass at least three different nationalities on a daily basis. To think that each person needs to fit in your narrow-minded view of things is extra petty-licious. Racism is one of the oldest forms of pettiness that will ever exist.
Straight up lying
This is a very serious issue for many people. They may not even know that they do it. If someone asks you for help, directions or advice and you give them the wrong info on purpose. There is a weird stigma that makes people think that only one person can be on top and the only way to get there is to make sure no one else makes it.
In the end, being petty is not something that happens overnight, because it is something that has been passed down through generations like a family curse. The only way to get rid of it is to recognize it and change. The next time you feel like something is too small to argue over or be mad about remember these top eight reasons why you probably should and can overcome it.