I don't get sick easily. By this, I mean probably once or twice a year I'll catch a bug that's gone in a few days. But when this does happen, I turn into a four-year-old child that can barely move off of the couch. I complain about everything and can't do anything myself. But we all deserve to be lazy and be taken care of when sick, right? The reason I'm saying this is because there wasn't a moment that my cat Stella wasn't near me when I was sick this past month.
(Look how beautiful her eyes are oh my goodness!!)
I'd get up to go make some more tea for my throat and she'd be right on my heels every step of the way. (Even ten steps into the kitchen from the living room.) She would constantly be rubbing her nose on me and snuggling up to me when I was resting. A huge feeling of comfort would fill the room whenever she would do this.
(She lays like this on the kitchen floor all the time and none of us can figure out why but we just let her do her thing.)
Animals aren't just cute pets that do silly stuff you can video tape. (Let's be honest though videos of cats are some of the best videos on the internet.)
(She does this too I don't even know.)
Animals, and in my case, cats, are extremely therapeutic when it comes to all sorts of things, not just sickness. Being upset about something can really bring you down, and your pet can really notice when you aren't feeling your best. The greatest part about this, your animal doesn't even have to know what the problem is! They just snuggle up to their favorite buddy (you, of course) and make sure that you're alright. Whether it be nuzzling with their nose or snuggling up to your side, a pet really knows how to make you feel like the most loved person on the planet. They'll make your tears go away, sniffles dissolve, and sore tummies fade away.
Treat your pets with the most adoration and respect you can, because their entire goal in life is to love their human forever and ever. And that is exactly what they will do for you, no matter the circumstance.