There is always that one certain thing that can frustrate a person to no end. For an easily annoyed person like myself, there are multiple things that bother me immensely. To discover some biggest pet peeves, I conducted a survey around campus and with friends and family back home. Here are the top ten pet peeves from the responses I gathered.
1. When people chew loudly or with their mouths open.
I think everyone can relate to this one- It's simple, people. Nothing is more disgusting than hearing or seeing another person chew. For the love of God, close your mouth when you eat.
2. Excessive PDA.
For me personally, anything past holding hands or a kiss goodbye is saved for when we are in private... If you have not seen the person in a long time, it is understandable. Just please, try to save your steamy make-out sessions for your alone time. No one wants to watch that.
3. Leaving the turn signal on in a "turn only" lane.
Nothing bothers me more than sitting in a line in the left lane for an extended period of time and being forced to see a million blinking lights. If you are in the turn only lane, everyone around you will know you will be turning left. If you have made a mistake and need not to turn, go ahead and use your blinker to attempt to leave the lane. But, dear God, if you are turning left from the left only turn lane, do not leave your blinker on. We know you're turning left. Turn. It. Off.
4. Clapping off beat.
This is my personal ALL TIME pet peeve. If you are not a person who is musically educated and do not have a good sense of rhythm, that is perfectly okay. Just please, for the sake of those who have been musically educated, just clap quietly or not at all.
5. Improper grammar.
Another one of my personal pet peeves. Especially if you are an upperclassmen in high school or above, you should know the difference between "your" and "you're," as well as the difference between "to" and "too." If you do not, please educate yourself.
6. Being told how I feel or what I think.
This is something I have found myself doing quite often in the past, and can be quite difficult to avoid. If someone is making you feel a certain way, it doesn't mean that is how they actually feel. For example, if your significant other hasn't been showing you affection, this does not mean that person doesn't love you. To address this, do not say something accusatory, such as "you don't love me!" Try "the way you have been acting makes me feel as if you don't love me." No one likes being told they are feeling or thinking something certain, especially if it's not true. Do not speak for another person. Just don't.
7. When someone acts like something they're not.
There is nothing more frustrating than a person acting cooler than they are, or flat out lying about who they are. Just be yourself and if who you want to impress doesn't like who you are, that is not your fault. Oh well. You will find people who will love you no matter what, so you do not have to lie about your achievements or personal beliefs.
8. Blatant disrespect.
If someone is speaking, don't interrupt them. If someone has repeatedly and politely asked you to refrain from doing something, don't do it. Canceling plans last minute for no reason or ignoring someone's text messages is disrespectful. A simple "I don't want to talk to you! Bye!" is much better. Be respectful of one another. If you don't believe the same things as another person, that is normal and okay! However, and I cannot stress this enough, having a different opinion does not give you ANY right to be disrespectful to another person.
9. Excessive pessimism.
I know not everyone is a natural optimist, but people who are always negative can really get on other people's nerves. Don't be a Debby Downer all the time, for hearing another person complain all the time can get old. Try to be more positive, especially around others.
10. Cruising in the left lane.
As someone who prefers to drive the speed limit or above (don't tell), having someone cruise in the left lane below the speed limit can be really frustrating. The left lane should be used for passing those in the right lane. If you are going to turn left soon, that is understandable; however, if you are on the highway and are not in any rush, stay in the other lanes. Thank you.
So please, don't be one of these people.