“One man held me down, while another touched me,” women say, staring into the camera with honestly pained eyes.
“They use my body… To them, I’m an object.” A diverse array of women speak the words that undoubtedly sound all too familiar to victims of sexual assault. Except this video is not about women being raped. This video is about the artificial insemination of animals by the meat and dairy industry.
That’s right, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has managed to be even more disgusting and offensive in their advertising promoting veganism. This ad campaign, released Nov. 3, compares the treatment of animals for consumption to sexual assault.
“Every year billions of animals are born into the meat, egg and dairy industries,” the ad goes on to say. “Almost all of them are a result of forced artificial insemination. Almost all of them are a result of rape.”
Not surprisingly, people who have viewed the ad found it disturbing and demeaning. Karen Willis, an executive from Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia, told news.com.au that the ad was “unconscionable.”
“Using sexual assault to promote any other issue is highly inappropriate and anyone who is watching that who has experience of sexual assault will be incredibly distressed by those images,” Willis said. “I don’t have a problem with reducing the pain and fear of animals that are used in the production of food, I’m certainly on board with that, but using a highly emotive, triggering, violent concept of sexual assault to promote animals rights, I think, is just unconscionable.”
Twitter exploded with complaints and criticism aimed at PETA for their advertisement. “I am vegan. I am an animal activist. I am a rape survivor. This ad is atrocious. PETA needs to be put to an end,” Twitter user Brittney Bosher (@hellobrittneyb) said.
PETA’s Twitter account responded to criticism by saying things like, “Sexual abuse is a serious issue. Acknowledging it for animals doesn’t take away from humans,” and “Exploiting female bodies is not OK no matter the species.”
As a lifestyle vegan, I understand the importance of bringing animal rights issues to the forefront of humanity’s conversations concerning morality and decency. As a decent human being, however, I cannot condone PETA’s behavior. Sexual assault is a painful, unfortunate reality in society that plagues the everyday lives of survivors. Yes, I believe that speciesism is an issue that many humans are hesitant to even contemplate or discuss. If the topic were discussed in a more respectful, safe way, I believe the message of promoting veganism would be much more successful. Using the emotions triggered by sexual assault to promote a lifestyle that is based in peace and nonviolence is simply irresponsible and outright harmful. This ad shows a total disregard for human feelings not unlike the disregard for the feelings of animals’ that PETA claims to stand against. Two wrongs do not make a right, and being purposefully harmful will not attract people to the vegan movement.
Although I hope that PETA will realize the egregious wrongs they’ve committed in producing this ad, I doubt they will go back on their word. I also hope that my readers take my word for this: PETA does not stand for what veganism is about. Please don’t associate their cyber bullying and morally reprehensible campaigning with the vegans in your life. As for the vegans out there: Stand against PETA. Don’t let them attack the humans you love in the name of the animals you support. Be the face of true, peaceful veganism.