The question in the title is a question I get every day, without fail. I love saying yes! I love being able to smile wide, nod my head, and watch as you interact with my dog. You probably asked because she has a bright red vest that says "Support Animal," or you always know to ask before you pet a dog. Some of the favorite parts of my day are these interactions.
But I also meet people who do not ask. I will be walking up the stairs to class, and someone will just reach out and pet her. I will be standing talking to someone, and someone will just crouch down and start petting her. There are people who politely ask if they can pet her, and then go on to trash talk those who have working animals that can't be pet. These parts are not my favorite parts of my day.
Regardless if a dog is working or not, has a vest on or not, you should always politely ask the owner if you can pet a dog. Unless you know the person or the dog, you should always ask. I can't think of a time when you shouldn't ask to pet a stranger's dog. I say this in a firm tone because you have no idea what can happen during your interaction with that dog or that person. Maybe that dog is afraid of people and will bite you if you pet it. Maybe this person needs this dog to have its full attention on their person, and you could be jeopardizing that person by petting without asking. You just have no idea.
For example, Zoey (my dog) is terrified of men and children. While I do my best to not put her in situations where she will have to interact with either of those groups, sometimes I simply can't. I try to watch her the best I can, but I will admit I get distracted for a variety of reasons. If you pet Zoey without me acknowledging you, or without her acknowledging you, she will jump away and may try to nip you. You spooked her. If I am not paying attention for whatever reason, you could get hurt, and if you decide to sue for whatever reason, she will get put down. You could be the reason I lose my support animal. Now, that is a very extreme case and Zoey has never bitten anyone, but that doesn't mean that this couldn't be the truth for a different dog.
All I am asking as a dog owner is that you please ask to pet my dog, and ask to pet any dog you see. Every dog owner will appreciate that you asked, and while it may not be seen on their faces or through their body language, I know that they are relieved that you asked and simply didn't touch without asking. By simply touching an animal without the explicit permission of the owner (or the dog quite frankly) you are further contributing to the anger/fear/disappointment that a dog owner feels, and will be another nail into the coffin of why they get upset when someone asks to pet their dog.
If you see me and Zoey on campus, please don't be afraid to ask if you can pet her. I will always let someone pet Zoey if they ask. I become defensive when people simply decide to pet her without me or her knowing. Please understand this, and please respect this. Please understand and respect why someone may not let you pet their dog. They are not trying to be mean, rude, or insensitive, they are simply trying to protect themselves, their dog, and you.
So, can you pet my dog? Of course, just ask.