I am Hispanic and proud. I am not afraid of telling people that either, but sometimes people are beyond ignorant about it, and it peeves me.
So, here are 11 pet peeves I have when I tell people I am Hispanic.
1. When they question if I'm "actually" Hispanic
"...but are you really?" "You don't look like what I assumed a Hispanic would look like." I honestly didn't know there was a "look code" for us, but OK.
2. When they assume I am Mexican
Woah, I'm sorry... I didn't realize that all Hispanics were Mexican??
3. When they're shocked you're fluent in English...
I mean, who knew you could be fluent in two languages? Wait until they find out you can be trilingual or more!
4. They ask me to say something in Spanish for them
I absolutely detest this. You're not going to understand what I am saying either way, so why ask me to say something?
5. They start trying to speak Spanish to me
"OH?! You speak Spanish?? COMO ESTAAAAAS???"
6. They ask questions that they should honestly keep to themselves.
"Sooo... are you like... legal?" "How did you get here exactly...?"
7. They ask what my favorite restaurant is...
... and assume it's El Rancho Grande.
8. They think all Hispanics eat the SAME food
Simple answer; we don't. There are similarities but we don't all eat the same dish for dinner every night. And no, I don't eat tacos every day all day.
9. They think you're Catholic
This one makes me laugh that people assume your religion based on the fact you're Hispanic.
10. They assume I don't know how to control my temper
^ ^ ^ That's what they think I look like but in reality, I do know how to control my temper. (If I were you, I wouldn't push my luck, though.)
11. They introduce me as their "Hispanic friend"
Last time I checked, I don't go around introducing people as my "white friend". Maybe next time, try just using my name.
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