1.) Stop calling us “First Years”: I don’t know if this is a problem at other schools, but on my campus, people refuse to call us freshmen. They seem to think it’s offensive, mainly because freshmen get offended. But… it’s not like everyone can’t already tell that it’s your first year on campus. Trust me, it’s crystal clear to everyone, especially when you still don’t understand how the dining hall works. Embrace being a “freshmeat”.
2.) Learn how the dining hall works: Going along with the first statement, please master the dining hall. After the fifth time you forget your student ID, everyone gets annoyed with you for wasting time. On the note of time, don’t stand around thinking about what you want. If you can’t decide, find a table and ponder your dilemma there. The hangry football players (and the rest of us) will thank you.
3.) STOP SLAMMING YOUR DOORS: This one is near and dear to my heart. Living on the top floor of my hall, I often get “You’re so lucky, you don’t have to listen to people running through the halls.” Au contraire. I have to listen to much drunken frolicking in addition to lovely door slamming. Dorm room doors, closet doors, the bathroom door, at all hours of the day and night. It’s quite nice. For real though, I just want to sleep. Everyone wants to sleep. Instead of being noisy at 3 am, let’s take a nap together. Please and thank you.
4.) Be a nice room mate: If you live with someone who likes to go to bed at 10:30, respect that. I love getting nine hours of sleep, so I appreciate it when my roomie comes in, does what she needs to do, and goes back to the study room without making a peep. But if you’re the one who likes to go to bed at 10:30, don’t be a jerk about it. Demanding that your room mate adhere to your schedule is unfair and unrealistic. What works for them may not work for you, so you have to compromise like an adult.
5.) Be an adult: Many of us are living on our own for the first time in our lives. Therefore, acting like a child is unacceptable. Clean your hair out of the drain, do your dishes, and please, don’t wolf your cookies in the lobby trash can. The smell of vomit is a real downer on the way to an 8 am class.
6.) Stop blaming others for your own mistakes: Adjusting to college is hard, I know. Sometimes you get behind on your readings, sometimes you get overwhelmed, sometimes you feel like you can’t do it. But the result of these things (think bombing a pop quiz or falling asleep during a lecture) is no one’s fault but yours. Not the professor, not your friends, not your parents. You. I say this with a bombed pop quiz in mind. I got behind in my readings, and was so tired from staying up and trying to read everything that I didn’t retain the majority of it. I knew as soon as I finished that quiz that I had messed up majorly. But I realized that I had myself and my own lapse in time management to blame. The workload may be bigger than what you’re used to, but there are resources to help you manage. Find what works for you.
7.) Put a sock on the doorknob: If you’re having your significant other over for some “alone time”, lock the door to make sure your room mate doesn’t accidentally walk in on it. Or text them with a warning. Or put a sock on the doorknob. Whatever prevents that super awkward moment. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.