Everybody has one or maybe a few. It can be something big or it can be small l, it doesn't have to be something major. It can be something so small that to others it might not matter much.
I have a few myself, but never really thought much about them until now.
Here are a few of mine and why they bug me so much...
1. Taking too long to text back
I, myself do take a little bit to text people back but I do try my best to text back as soon as I can. The only times I do take a bit longer to text back is if I'm at work, at Mishnock Barn, sleeping, or if I'm just busy. I don't like it when people don't text back for awhile, if your busy just tell me I will understand.
2. Changing songs before they are over
To me this is just annoying and doesn't make sense. You like a song so you put it on, half way through the song you change it....why? The only time I see that it's okay to change it is if you don't like the song or you listened to it too many times already. That's what I do, if I don't like the song on the radio I just change the station.
3. Electronics in public
I can't be the only one? I grew up with no phone for awhile and I was always with friends. I hate going out and seeing everyone in their phones. No one talks anymore, people with their friends they talk through their phone. People on dates don't talk to each other anymore one or both is always on their phone. If I'm out with friends or family I'm not on my phone unless it's necessary for me to be on it.
4. Slurping of the straw
When people are finished with their drink they decide it's a good idea to continue to drink even if it's gone. It's annoying for me to listen to.
5. Not respecting personal space
Personal Photo
As someone who does line dancing every week, this is annoying. BE MINDFUL OF THOSE AROUND YOU.
6. Weight comments
When someone comments on your weight at all. Either it's the way your eating or that they feel you should be eating a certain way. Or you can't do something because of your weight. I say you live once do what you want, only watch your weight if you choose to or if you have to, not because someone else says you should.
7. Rudeness
This is really annoying. It's the people who feel like they are entitled to your time. For example, while working we have to ask the customer questions to be sure we make their sandwich how they actually want it. They walk in sometimes while they are on the phone and they are the ones who seem annoyed when we repeat a question.
8. People's personality changes
I hate when people act a certain way around certain people. Say it's your friend and it's just you guys and you always act weird but as soon as someone else comes around they act different and look at you as if you're the weird one. Just act as you would with your friends when your around others.
9. Ignoring a time frame
Being on time is a good thing. I was taught that of you're on time you're late. Soccer had the same rule so it's always stuck. If we had to be somewhere we were always 5-10 minutes early no matter what. I get serious anxiety from possibly being late, I keep looking at the time and I just get instantly annoyed and mad no matter what.
10. People who tell you what to do...
I strongly hate when people tell you what you should do. And no I'm not talking about parents telling you what you should do. I'm talking about people you don't know, other family members and some of your friends. Them telling you what you should be doing with your life. The job you should take the person to date. I also hate when people tell you who you can and can't be friends with, especially when it's your bf/gf telling you not to be friends with someone.
What bothers you? Is there something you feel I might have missed.