"The aim of argument or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress!"
This quote, by Joseph Joubert, was recently shared on Facebook by one of my high school English teachers -- and I couldn't agree more. We have become a country so divided on every value that the nation is falling apart. What has happened to our respect for others? Has hate really driven us to put blinders up?
Yes, we can argue progress made in technology has launched us into the future, but we lost our humanity along the way. Competition and the need to be right has surpassed the importance of listening to others. Ultimately, what does this accomplish? Both sides leave the conversation frustrated and feeling like they haven't been heard.
Our nation prides itself in our diversity and freedom, yet we, as individuals, don't show it. Our division on gay rights, abortion, gun control, immigration, etc. shouldn't be a weakness. Perspective should give us strength. We all come from different places and lead different lives, so different perspectives are to be expected. So shouldn't we listen to the other views before defensively rebutting? Who knows, they may address a point you had never considered.
And sometimes, people are too stuck on their views to listen. Is it worth it to continue to argue? You're not going to talk sense into them. If you try to hold a civilized discussion and it just isn't working, just let it go. You can't have a rational conversation with an irrational person.
We aren't the only ones at fault for this. On a grand scale, this divide prevents the functionality of our government. Democrats and Republicans are too focused on beating each other that the needs of the people are being silenced. The purpose of the two party system should be to hear the variation of perspective and find the solution that is best for the people. Getting enough votes to pass a bill shouldn't be about having enough members from your party to support it. It should be about the content, its quality and its impact on the public. Political debates should NOT be about how much dirt one can dig up about their opponent's past, but instead focus on expressing their own views.
I sit here, writing for peace, but I'd be a hypocrite if I said I've never been the person that argued profusely with others. But I believe it is a time for change. We should use our differences to work together to create a better place and stop seeing everything as a competition.
Am I being too naive to believe that politics should be approached in a civilized manner?