In today’s world and political climate, it is all too easy to get into a screaming match with someone whose viewpoints are the opposite of your own. A nice, healthy debate is good every once and a while, but differences in beliefs have proved to be violent not only in recent events but throughout history. Until we can just sit down with each other and find common ground despite our differences, I can’t tell you if anything resembling progress will be made. We all have our reasons for believing what we believe. Isn’t it time that people truly listened instead of immediately disregarding those reasons?
Before continuing, I must set some ground rules and point out where I draw the line. Beliefs and opinions that degrade and oppress certain groups of individuals or entire cultures are never acceptable. I may be understanding of why you believe that based on your own culture, but I will call you out on this behavior every time. Any attitude that says “this person/group of people is worth less than me” is unacceptable. Period.
One of my favorite quotes from Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird (which also happens to be my favorite book) reads, “You never understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” You have to know where people are coming from in order to understand their views. Someone from a rural town is absolutely going to have different views than someone from the inner city. A baby boomer is going to have different opinions than a millennial. A black person and a white person may not see the world through the same lens. Even someone who worships a different god than you is not necessarily wrong. All we have to do is recognize this and respect each other. Of course, this is easier said than done. So next time you want to get angry at someone for questioning your beliefs, take a breath. Ask them why they believe that. You don’t have to understand it, but you can choose to be civil. Show a little more love and do your part to make this world a better place.