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A Refreshing Perspective For Fitness And Diet Beginners

Self-criticism is exhausting, instead prioritize your mental health and strive for self-compassion.

A Refreshing Perspective For Fitness And Diet Beginners

We are four weeks into 2019 which generally implies that the 45% of Americans who eagerly set diet and exercise resolutions in the new year are either on track with their goals or gave it their 'best' shot in the last few weeks but now they are right back where they ended in 2018 - confused, unmotivated, and surrendering any possibility of progress to old, unhealthy habits.

Wherever you stand today, you have to understand and accept that you will have your fair share of ups and downs throughout your journey towards a healthy, active lifestyle. So, if you're still focused and actively upholding your resolutions, great, I applaud you. On the other hand, if you are already criticizing yourself for eating that whole bag of chips or skipping the gym (been there, done that), this is your sign to pick yourself up and move forward.

In efforts to make positive progress towards our health and fitness goals, we often tend to neglect our mental health. We over-commit ourselves, avoid all temptations, then, if we make one minor mistake, we throw in the towel. Then once the guilt and shame kick in we instinctively resort to self-criticism. So, as a result, for those newly invested in a healthy lifestyle, I think the idea of 'happiness' and 'healthy' seem to be contradictory and incompatible.

May I ask, what's the point in achieving a fitness goal if you're going to be miserable during the journey? They say it's not about the destination, it's about the journey--right?

So it's time to adopt a new approach to your goalslifestyle. An approach that prioritizes your mental health while also empowering you to be the badass that you are. For most of us, self-criticism is our initial instinct. But I full heartedly believe that the catalyst we need (and deserve) to ultimately achieve any of our goals is self-compassion.

Since self-criticism has been deeply rooted in our past, like any bad habit, it will be tough to part ways with. Presumably, this shift in perspective won't happen overnight. But, little by little, kick the loathing self-pity out of your quest for a 'healthy' lifestyle.

Overall, give yourself permission to be imperfect. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes because you're going to learn from them in the long run. Celebrate even your smallest victories and make every effort to enjoy this learning process. This is the healthy, active lifestyle you deserve to live.

Shine on!

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