Several words are bombarding the media in light of recent events in our country and our world.
Inequality. Discrimination. Freedom of choice.
This is what everyone is talking about. We have to stand up for the rights of all people. All people are people. No matter what race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation a person is, they are a person. And they should be treated as such. Today, we are all about standing up for all different communities.
Except one.
People everywhere are standing up against inequality, discrimination, and injustice.
However, these same people who claim that "all people are people" fully support inequality, discrimination, and injustice in the most horrendous form.
Want to talk about inequality? Let’s start with giving people an equal chance to live.
Want to discrimination and denying someone’s rights? How about denying an innocent child the right to be born?
You support freedom of choice? You say people can choose to be whoever and whatever they want, but deny babies the choice to even enter the world.
You say the mother should get to decide because “It’s her body.”
Is it her skull that gets crushed, her arms and legs dismembered, her body that gets sucked through a hose, her body parts you want to sell, or her life that gets ended before she even gets the chance to begin it?
No. That body belongs to that baby. And the fact that any expecting mother could even consider doing this to their own child makes me sick at my stomach.
A lot of people are against the death penalty. So it’s unethical to put murderers and rapists to death, but giving a mother a baby-killing drug is to be celebrated?
Harming an unborn bald eagle “fetus” or “bunch of tissue” is punishable by imprisonment. We value a bird more than our own children that are growing inside us.
Where’s the logic in that?
Let’s talk about another word we hate: Genocide.
Here are some stats for you:
The Holocaust (1940s)- about 12 million (half Jews, half not) killed.
Armenia (1915)- 1 million killed.
Cambodia (1970s)- 2 million killed.
Tutsi in Rwanda (1990s)- 800,000 killed.
Total killed in four leading 20th century genocides- about 15 million
Babies killed in United States since 1973- over 50 million.
We have LEGALLY murdered more innocent babies in the past forty years than were killed in the four leading genocides of the 20th century.
Legal genocide is happening right now, every day, and you support it? You praise it? You call it freedom?
I call it evil. Murder. Sickening.
Another stat for perspective:
People are so rightly angered by the number of Americans that died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. About 3,000 American lives were lost that day.
That's how many Americans are killed by abortion every day. 3,000.
If we go worldwide, 125,000 humans are killed everyday at the heartless, evil hands of abortion. At the hands of the people who are supposed to love them more than anything in the world. Their mothers and fathers.
50,000,000 people. Think of who they might have been, what they might have accomplished. Would they have cured cancer? Became President of the United States? Started an organization to help others? Invented something? Fought for the freedom of this country that allowed them to be killed?
Maybe so.
Or maybe they would have simply been someone’s daughter or son. You would have named her Julia, you would have named him Ben. She would have learned to walk, learned to talk. You could have sung him to sleep, gotten up in the middle of the night just to check on her. You could have been there to bandage his knee. She would have thought you were a super hero. He would have gone to school, played on the basketball team, had friends, fought with you over his curfew, told you he loved you. She could have grown up, fallen in love, gotten married, and the little girl you aborted may have children of her own now. Julia and Ben and the other 49,999,998 babies that we decided didn’t deserve to live had as much right to live as you have.
Maybe you don’t know anyone who was almost aborted. I do. And I thank God that adoption was the option that mother chose. And I think that if that person’s mother could see the child they considered killing, could see who they grew up to be, could meet their friends, could know their hopes and dreams, could hear them laugh, could see what value they’ve added to this world, that mother would get on her knees and praise God that she decided to let her child live.
I pray that mothers stop killing their children.
Don’t rip them of the privilege, the choice, the right to live.
They deserve this right. Even unplanned babies. Babies with mental or physical incapabilities. Babies that are the result of rape or a drunken mistake. Because none of that is your baby’s fault. Your baby doesn’t know he wasn’t planned. She doesn’t know that you didn’t mean for her to happen. He doesn’t care that he isn’t “normal” and his life won’t be “easy.” All that child knows or cares about it having someone to love him, to hold her, to pick him up, to feed her, to care for him when he’s sick.
And if you, their mother, their father, can’t love or care for your child like you think you should, at least love it enough to give it to someone who can. Please parents, I’m begging you. Just stop killing your children.
They’re people too.
Horton said it best.
A person’s a person no matter how small.