There are very few things I do not enjoy doing; of those things, one happens to be talking about my political views. I have never found it necessary to talk about why I prefer one candidate over the other, or why a certain policy would be better for America than another policy would be.
However, with this election, I feel as if I just cannot keep quiet. There are so many things I have problems with, and I am going to spew them all over this page.
First of all, I do not approve of Donald Trump being president. I do not approve of Hillary Clinton being president. I do not like either candidate and I do not think either of them is adequately fit for office.
Yet, in the system that Americans like to call a democracy, Donald Trump is now our new president. There are multiple things that could go wrong with him in the White House. I think the fact that he ran for president in the first place was a huge joke, and I do not agree with any of his ideas.
But he is our president. And I respect him. That is something I feel America lost during this election season: the respect for our presidential candidates and, in turn, other Americans as well. We are treating each other poorly, harassing one another, hurting one another, simply because of the diversity of our beliefs. America is a melting pot. We have been this way for years. Since when is it okay to harass someone just because they have a different ethnicity than we do? Since when is it okay to teach hate instead of trust and acceptance? Protesting, rioting, and acting in hatred of one another because of an election will not help us. In fact, it will only tear us apart.
Also, we have nothing to riot against. Yes, some of you might think he is a terrible man and in a position holding too much power, but most of you have forgotten the way the law of the land works. The checks and balances system will shine through in the next four years. Trump cannot do anything without the other two branches approving it. And I highly doubt that there will be enough people who agree with his radical opinions to sign off on them.
America, you should really take a chill pill. We are not in danger. Nothing awful has happened. No one died. There is no need to riot. There is no need to freak out. There is no need to jump to conclusions about any of this. Stop getting so upset about the way the election turned out. In reality, we voted him in. We cannot be mad because the candidate got more votes. We did this to ourselves. Now we will just have to deal with the consequences the best we can. Best of luck to us.