"A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but those whose place no one else can take" -Cardinal Mermillod
Dear mothers,
This is a personal thank you. You believe that as your children we do not have to owe you a thank you, but we do. You deserve the biggest thank you in the world.
Sometimes we as children fail to see all that you have done for us. Sometimes we fail to see that sometimes you made sacrifices so that we could have it better off. As a child and even as a pre-teen, it was not something we would have thanked you for because back then we would not have been as grateful as we are now.
Now that we are older and learning to 'adult', the lessons you have taught us still impact our daily lives. You taught us to be kind, respectful, caring, and you always taught us to love. You taught us to make the most of any situation.
Not only have you given us morals to guide our lives by, but you always never gave up on us. When we would get frustrated over math or over our spelling never once did you say "figure it out on your own", but you sat there beside us and told us "you can do this because I believe in you". Hearing those words made us stronger. It made us realize that we are capable of doing anything we set our minds to because one person took the chance to believe in us, and that was you.
Thank you for our punishments. Back then it seemed like complete torture, but now it taught us that throwing a fit is not the way to get the things we want in life. You taught us how winning isn't everything. No matter if we lost you were still there to cheer us on. Thank you for being our biggest fan and for trying your best to make it to our events at school.
We never asked you to give us a hug after we got our hearts broken. We never asked for you to make our favorite meals for the days when life took its toll on us. Never once did we ask for you to wipe away our tears, but you did. You did all of this without once asking us for a thank you.
No matter how much we mess up, we talk down about ourselves, or we just want to give up, you are always right by our sides holding our hands. You loved and continue to love us unconditionally. You made us your biggest priority in life and still do even though we are becoming more independent.
Being a mother never came with instructions. You could have easily given up on us, and left us to learn everything on your own, but you didn't. There were times you would get so upset thinking you didn't do enough, but we want you to know that you never failed us. You are amazing and a super mom.
Thank you for being a teacher, a counselor, and a doctor. Thank you for teaching us how to love. Thank you for simply being our mom. You are the real MVM (most valuable mom) in our lives.
Last but not least, thank you for your words of wisdom that carry us through our lives day by day.
Your biggest fans