Personal Finance For 'Millennials' | The Odyssey Online
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Personal Finance For 'Millennials'

Think about saving now and look into how your smartphone can help!

Personal Finance For 'Millennials'
The Office

This week I was lucky enough to attend a seminar on personal finance for millennials. Four speakers came in and discussed a range of topics from credit card debt to investment portfolios. While some of the information was a little too high level for me, I wanted to share some key takeaways from the event.

This one may be obvious, but start saving now. We may be young, but we need to think long term about our futures. As of now social security is going to run out by 2037 - which means unless you want to work until you're dead, you may want to start putting money away. I'm fortunate to have a company that offers a 401k to me, even as an intern. Pensions are becoming a thing of the past and only about half of major companies are offering a 401k. You should also consider a Roth IRA, which will allow you to put aside money after taxes, that can be withdraw tax free in the future.

If you don't have access to these savings mechanisms or if you just want to save further, take a look at some of the apps revolutionizing the way we approach our finances, along with our savings and investments.

I just started using Mint - it links to my accounts (checking, credit, loans, etc.) and allows me to look at everything in one place. The app also sets up a suggested budget and categorizes and tracks all my purchases for the month. Apparently, I spend way too much money on food. Which makes sense considering how often I go out to lunch with my coworkers, but I'm wasting so much money and this app is helping me make better choices, so that these things become treats, not everyday occurrences.

Another app that I want to start using is Acorns. It was brought up during the seminar and after some research, it seems pretty legitimate. The app tracks your spending and every time you make a purchase it rounds up the total and makes a withdrawal as soon as you hit $5. For example, say I pay $4.60 for a coffee - Acorns is going to count that as 40 cents towards the app and make a withdrawal as soon as I make enough purchases for the leftover to be $5 or above. The app then invests the money into various stocks and bonds. Other people who have used this app recommend it for long term savings - if you want your money in 3-5 years, don't put it in Acorn. If you're willing to wait it out, you can profit.

For those who are just trying to build a rainy day fund with no strings attached, there's Digit. Digit uses an algorithm to figure out your spending patterns and take extra money it calculates you won't need. The app communicates with you via text messages, that alert you to transfers. That money gets automatically deposited into your Digit account and can be accessed at any time. The company makes money off of the interest your money is accruing, so there are no direct services fees for the app. Probably a great app to try if you want to put money away for an upcoming vacation or life event.

It's never too late to get money savvy and it is definitely never too early. Start thinking intelligently now, to be better prepared for the future. These aren't the only apps out there, do your research and figure out what's best for you and how you plan to save and invest long term.

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