If you're anything like me, you're probably thinking about all of the other productive things you could be doing in the time it takes you to read this letter. You're probably skimming through this and shifting your eyes to the clock every thirty seconds, hoping that you're not wasting time. You probably have that tiny voice and feeling in the back of your mind--you know, the one that's constantly poking and prodding at your train of thought, reminding you of everything you need to get done. There's also a chance that you've scarfed down a coffee or two today in hopes that it'll help your eyes stay open, but simultaneously, you know that drinking coffee stopped being an energy source months ago. Long story short, if you're anything like me, you're simply a busy person.
First things first: please stop for a moment and breathe. When was the last time you relished in the very fact that you are able to do just that--breathe, and be alive? I can bet you that it's been an awfully long time, and it's okay...you've just been caught up. Regardless, promise me that you won't ever let your schedule prevent you from being thankful for the life you have. If you have the resources and time to be so busy, you're definitely very fortunate. I didn't make that connection until very recently, and remembering to give thanks lessens my stress tremendously. When you look at the big picture, the highs will overwhelmingly outweigh the lows, and that's a reminder of how lucky we are. It's okay to feel a bit of stress in life, normal even, but don't let it overwhelm and take over your life.
You're so worried all the time, especially over the aspects that don't matter. At this point, you've more than likely sacrificed a large chunk of your sanity and your sleep deficit is probably large, and growing. I know, I'm feeling it too. But, there comes a point when you realize that your mental health is way more important than any small or miniscule detail you might have overlooked on your stressful list of tasks. Don't forget to have time for yourself, even if it means you miss something else. There are people who pretend that being intensely booked all the time is an energizing piece of cake, but you and I both know it's an act. We are tired, and we are overwhelmed. It's okay. I can't stress this enough.
You were not made to be perfect at time management, and you weren't made to be the best at every single opportunity given to you. It's okay to step back and give yourself time to rest. Stop assuming you have to be the best at everything. Put more energy into being kind, and show more love. Get some sleep. Watch a movie. Relax a little, you need it more than you think. Don't feel guilty about what you could be doing, be content with the moment and what you are doing at that very second. Soak it in, value it; remember this feeling the next time stress comes your way. Be more appreciative of the little things that you miss in the swing of everyday life.
You are capable of everything and anything...maybe just not all at once.
With love (and time),
A fellow busy bee