You know who you are. You're trying to get the best grades possible, have your life put together, and racing around everywhere to be the best. Even when your body takes a break, your mind still races. I see you. I am you.
I want to encourage you to rest. Rest is almost never a bad thing. Your physical body needs rest, and your mind needs rest. Being exhausted all day every day does not do you any good. It also doesn't do anyone around you any good. It is good to always give 100%, but giving your all all the time can become exhausting and overwhelming. I know you have heard a thousand times how good you would be at the job you are working towards, and want to live up to the expectations that friends and family have of you. But God calls us to rest. He made 7 days of the week- 6 for work, and one for rest. I know you don't want to waste a precious moment of your life doing nothing, but sometimes nothing is what you need to do. Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, and I will give you rest." Sometimes you need to let go, and let God. Nothing is wrong with a little TLC every once in a while.
I know that sometimes you doubt yourself. You get back that test grade that is marked with a big fat "C" and you start to question if you are even in the right major. You wonder if there is anything else you could have done, or any way you could have used your time differently to make a better grade. You think that doing something is better than doing nothing, but that isn't always the case. Living life going in circles being a busy bee won't get you any closer to your goals. It just makes you tired. Find joy in the present moment, and don't worry about the future- you might find yourself actually having fun..
I also realize you want to do what will make everyone else happy before worrying about your own happiness. I know you want to make the most of the time God has given you. I know that you never know when your time on earth will be up, but that doesn't mean you have to take care of every single thing right now. It is possible to put some things off until tomorrow (without procrastinating for everything).
I really just want to tell you to take a little break every once in a while. Catch your breath. Just breathe. Clear your head. Because at the end of the day, you can't give what you don't have. Your life needs a balance. Sometimes it's going to be hectic, but don't forget to have fun after you work, and rest after you rush. You are going to do great things because that's how God designed you. Jesus was the only perfect person to walk the earth, and I guarantee that he constantly made time to rest.
Don't forget that in the end it's okay if you aren't okay, and if you aren't okay, then its not the end.