First of all, I know how you feel. Colleges always preach about how these years are time for change and becoming who you are supposed to, but also hold this unspoken pressure to know what you want and stick with it. But let's be real, sometimes things just are not working- and speaking from personal experience, when it is not working, it REALLY is not pleasant. I entered my freshman year as a Biology major on a pre medical track and when anyone asked me what I wanted to do with my life, I confidently told them, "go to medical school and deliver babies as a physician." Then the classes began. You always hear how hard they are going to be but going through it is different. Not being a natural science person did not help either. I found myself waking up in the morning of my day of classes and not even wanting to get out of bed. I would get extreme test anxiety and completely self destruct while taking them. My classes began to bring out the worst qualities in me and my self-esteem plummeted. I even elected to retake chemistry after not getting the grade I wanted. But after two semesters of being absolutely miserable, I began a psychology course as an elective. And let's just say, the rest is history.
I immediately switched my classes to all psychology courses and I haven't looked back. I am the happiest I have ever been in school and that really makes you realize how long you unnecessarily put up with self chosen misery.
To me, there was a stigma to switching my major. I felt like I was weak and giving up. But now that I have, I realized it is quite the opposite. You are strong for knowing what you need to do and actually taking action. It is one thing to think about it, but it is another to advocate for yourself and what you need. Everyone is meant for a certain path and no job is superior to another as long as you are fully and uncontrollably happy while doing it. With the most supportive parents in the world, the only pressure that was being applied was by myself.
So my advice? If you are thinking about it, that is your answer. Deep down, you know yourself the best and you know what you need to do. And as far as feeling judged, the genuine people in your life WILL support you no matter what you do, because at the end of the day, your happiness is the most important. And now when people ask me what I want to do, I smile and say, "I'll do what I was always meant to do, help people."