I've always been the type of person who tends to bottle up my emotions inside me, waiting until the last possible breaking moment to burst. Sometimes, those thoughts, emotions, and what-ifs stay there for years until there's a click and everything comes pouring out. And I'm here to tell you that letting those emotions out is important, and it doesn't make you weak or pathetic. You are so much stronger than you think you are and you have to power to overcome the battles and sentiments you face every day. I sometimes feel like I should take my own advice, but I know that somewhere, someone is feeling worse and experiencing something that I may not even understand.
Everybody has or will go through hardships at some point. Even the happiest and most positive of people, I'd like to consider myself one of them, have inner demons and things they are struggling with. And I can tell you right now you are strong and able to overcome them and still live positively.
I am so lucky in my life so far to have found the most amazing handful of people that I can go to for anything, and who I am so happy to call my best friends. They support me in everything that I do and without them I may not be the person that I am today. Even if these types of people may not exist in your life, there are still so many outlets that carry the same support and remember that it only takes one person to change your entire outlook.
Here's what to say to yourself when you think you're not strong enough to handle something or overcome emotions that are completely overpowering you: Do not give up, do not give in, and know that you are stronger than whatever it is. I am telling you now from experience that nothing is worse than letting something overrun your happiness and your life. Nothing is worse than feeling like you did something wrong and something is your fault, when it's not. Living positively and looking ahead is key to setting whatever is holding you back, straight.
Once you let go of what's been holding you back, whether it's an event that occurred years ago, an emotion, a loss, or anything difficult in your life that you've had to deal with and experience, you will feel like an entire weight has been removed from your shoulders. This doesn't mean you don't have to talk about whatever it is anymore, or completely ignore it for the rest of your life, it just means you have come to terms and have fully accepted whatever it is. This is so much better than letting it sit in the back of your mind like a bad memory or overwhelm your thoughts. You are strong, but you just have to believe it.