You know that one person who questions every single thing under the sun. Their mind travels a million miles a second and they have no concept of taking a breather to think through even the toughest of things. They drop questions from a hat and cause you to rattle your brain with the perfect answer. Yes those people are out there and let me say, they’re beautiful souls. This world is full of an emotionless humanity that never challenges ideas or feelings. People seem to be evermore afraid to express the depths of their emotions, but those who question everything, are somehow unafraid of holding their heart on their sleeves or worry of receiving those unexpected answers.
To the person who questions everything.. please don’t ever stop. The beauty of your mind is extravagantly unique. You may feel with fear of the unknown, but with questions you never stop seeking the truth behind your concerns. Many people are bond to the fear of seeming to straight forward or expressing too much too soon. But you’re unashamed of the way your heart and mind operates and with that comes a beauty that’s so rare to find. You never leave room for others to question your integrity or your feelings, because you ensure that your heart is open just enough for the world to see your truth. Having the ability to both question and care on a whim is something most people are unable to achieve. You may feel with fear, knowing that in a moment’s notice heartbreak can occur. But you take that chance of faith, because you know your worth, you know all that you can offer and if those aren’t enough, you’ll question the heck out of the situation until you get your answer.
Because of you, life has more meaning than most can comprehend. You create depth where the imagination never thought to ponder. You establish thoughts from thin air and with that you challenge those that surround you. You have a child like freeness that through endless questions you’re able to grow an entire garden out of one little seed.
Don’t allow others to misinterpret who you are, or undermine the complexity of your thought process. Those people are unable to appreciate the emotional beauty behind your every word. It’s refreshing to know that people who question everything are really out there, because it restores my hope in the idea that not everyone accepts the surface level emotions and thoughts of others. You force others to step out of their comfort zone and dig deep into what they really believe to be true and that’s a beautiful thing.
As you question, you reveal that you take life seriously. You desire to know all that you can about things that mean the most to you. And with that comes an open heart that spreads an abundance of love all wrapped up in a thousand and one questions.