Growing up we attended the same Elementary school. Funny thing is we hated each other. I was a bully to you. I honestly couldn't tell you why or how. This hatred carried through middle school, and freshmen year of high school. We weren't popular girls fighting for attention, there was just a mutual understanding we didn't like each other. Sophomore year we had been put in a class together where neither of us socialized with anyone there. We had awkwardly started the beginning of a good friendship. Who would have thought a fitness and weight class would bring two people together.
Though we actually haven't been friends as long as some. A few years. I have never had someone stick with me through absolutely everything and anything. I have put other people you don't like before you and  at times cost silence and anger in our friendship. I'm not going to lie I have been a shitty friend in that way, but we always come back to one another. You're my soul mate, my other half, a sister from another mother and father, a bestfriend.Â
We both have had rough lives. And I think that's something that creates the benefits in our friendship. Being completely there emotionally connected to one another. Imagine if we had forgotten the hatred sooner and been friends longer.
We have had such good memories together, but I think our favorites were before I moved when we had sleepovers on school nights, sitting in bed, snacking while watching Netflix. Flying to Arizona together and getting the travel experience with your bestfriend. Our exploring. Taking our dogs (that are also sisters) to puppy trick-or-treating. Amateur photoshoots. Our inside jokes. Meme sharing. And the list goes on, and on.Â
When we both have had boy problems, we have always been there for each other. Never holding back how we truly feel no matter how much one of us doesn't want to hear it. I'm grateful for that. You need people like that in your life. You need a person that isn't afraid to tell it how it is. You need a person that would help you hide the body. A person who loves you no matter who you are, even if you're different in some aspects. A person who accepts you, trusts you, loves you.Â
I found my person in you.