Passion is what drives many of us throughout life. A passion for a sport, traveling, a future career, or even creativity is what drives so many of us to achieve our ultimate goals. As time passes many of us have either moved onto something else or have gone in a completely different direction. This may have only been temporary for some of us while for others it's a life long goal. Some of us may turn to something else when we didn't reach victory after a few tries. We may choose an easier major, a less expensive place to visit, or a sport where we know we'll excel in. Others though will take that loss, learn from it, and go on to becoming one step closer to what they want. Passion may drive a lot of us, but determination is what it all comes down to. To the person whose passion drives them, defeat and loss doesn't define your future, it only helps you to persevere. Don't look back, only look forward.
Everyone wants to achieve throughout their life time. They may set goals for themselves that may seem out of reach, but they say to themselves that they'll be able to do it. They may face defeat or not succeed in the time frame they set for themselves, but it's those who persevere and continue to work and move forward who achieve greatness. You may think that by not earning a place on the podium for yourself, by not landing that job you worked so hard to get, or not being able to hike that mountain you set out to on your trip makes you a failure and even worse, not deserving of anything. You blame yourself, apologize to others, and dwell on what you could have done to achieve your goal.
None of this matters though. What matters and separates you from the pack is whether or not you're going to persevere and move forward. Are you going to give up on yourself or are you going to fight for what you want? Not all of our goals that we set for ourselves are going to happen in the snap of a finger. It's not a race to the finish. Some people may finish the race in 5 years and others may finish in 10. It's not about comparing yourself to others and what they have achieved, but only looking back on all your accomplishments, big and small.
Along with passion and perseverance comes happiness. Do what you love and pursue your passion as long as you still find happiness from it. Do it for yourself and not for anyone else. Do it and work towards it not because you feel you're obligated to but because when you compete, get than A, or reach the top of the mountain you feel empowered and proud of what you have accomplished. At times we may think about if it's even worth it to continue on this path, and when this question occurs, there's only one question to ask yourself. Do I still find happiness from this?