There are several benefits of being able to speaking more than one language, so let's break them down, shall we?
1. I can insult you and you won't even understand it.
And if you don't get it, that's the best kind of insult really.
2. I have more places to run away to because English-speaking isn't my only option.
That's right, it's not only Canada I can get away to, I've got a wide array of options.
3. I can flirt in more than one language
Il fait chaud ici, ou bien c'est toi?
4. I have a wider array of shows and movies I can watch now
I can binge forever, now.
5. I also have more music I could listen too as well
The most fun is belting a song in a foreign language in the car, and having other drivers stare at you.
6. Look how impressive I am on resumes
If you can speak more than English, companies are gonna love you.
7. I won't sound stupid when I order food from a foreign restaurant
Let's remember when my family was at a Mexican restaurant, and my sister pronounced quesadilla as kwaze-DAHD-lia.