No matter who you are, you are the one that decides what major you want to pursue. However, looking across the board, psychology majors have it best.
On Lander University’s campus, there is a course that all psychology majors have to take and pass. This course is called “Careers in Psychology." Now, this course isn’t what you would think it would be. There is a textbook that you must read and the basis of the entire book is “Are you sure?" How weird is that! A whole course devoted to the question “Are you really sure that you want to do this with your life?” Though this course is helpful in learning all that you need to know about psychology and what it takes to be in that major, it is odd. Not many majors have this kind of course and some other colleges do not have this course for any major.
As well, psychology majors are practically handed everything. I don’t mean academically; we still have to work hard. I am talking about the measures to which the college goes to so that we know everything we need to know. For example, there is a detailed outline of the requirements leading up to graduation. Unlike most majors, a psychology major can easily complete their degree requirements in four years. Coming into your freshman year of college with credits is also rather helpful. Dual enrollment has allowed me to finish my degree program in three and a half years.
Lastly, there seem to be more opportunities for psychology majors while still in college. Lander University has a Psychology Club, yet I cannot say anything about it because I have not been able to attend any of the meetings thus far. There are also honors clubs. The one most people are aware of is Psi Chi, but it can be hard to get in. A good thing about it though is that once you are in, you are in for life. The faculty members in the psychology department are very helpful when it comes to figuring out what to do and how to get involved as a psychology student.
This isn’t here to lead you to being a psychology major if that isn’t what you want to do. There are perks to every major, but being that I am a psychology major, that is all I know about. Whether it is vastly different on other campuses is also unknown to me.