I have a knack for finding silver linings. What can I say? I’m a happiness magnet. I rarely get angry, I do not permit unwanted negativity and I do my best to keep others from being subjected to rudeness. I have a knack for finding silver linings because I believe they’re present everywhere and waiting to be seen, despite life’s incessant whirlwind of challenges.
I’ve always been this way; I’ve always been an optimist. Some consider me to be naive, but quite frankly, I smile at even that. I’m well aware of the nearly triumphant cynicism we’ve allowed to seep into our universe, and I empathize. It’s difficult to think positive thoughts when it seems as though there is a constant force out to tear us to pieces. Whether it’s due to the most malicious evil, or simply those who are rude for rude’s sake, sometimes it just feels like the whole world is out to get itself. Outlets of criticism by the media are contaminating and successfully transforming us into mutants of who we ought to be, and I realize how difficult it is to see past that. However, my not-so-naive acceptance of this devastation has always been paired with my early predisposition to happiness. I understand I’m different in this way, and that not all of you will naturally share my sentiments… But that doesn't mean it’s not an option for you.
We’re all one of a kind. We all look, talk, act, feel and think very differently. Because of these differences, some people have reason to believe they should write off the practice of optimism, considering their tendencies to veer towards the “glass half empty” side of things. They convince themselves that sunshine just isn't in their forecast, and they can’t do anything about it. It’s in moments like these that I wish so dearly that we all had an obnoxious red alarm that would sound off every time we were making a big mistake. Oh, wouldn't that be nice? Unfortunately we don’t have those, so I’m just going to give you a freebie hint— To assume positivity as unattainable is a BIG MISTAKE. With the open refusal to try to look for the bright side, you cheat yourself out of happiness. You’re making things so much harder for yourselves! Come on, please don’t be that person who gives the happiest girl around a single reason to ever be unhappy. Life can be quite simple, really, all it takes is a lighter approach, with lessons that I believe even the most notorious pessimists can grasp. After all, optimism isn't knowing that everything will always be okay, it's knowing that you will always be okay, in spite of everything.
1. Happiness is to be chosen. Your internalization of experiences is directly connected to how you initially choose to perceive them. Your perceptions will signal their unfolding, whether good or bad. The most fool-proof way of fighting a sour attitude is by practicing determination to seek out the life lessons, regardless of the circumstance’s crappiness. Promise for yourself a good attitude at the beginning of every day.
2. Treat yourself. An important aspect to achieving an attitude of positivity is the idea of looking forward to something. It doesn't have to be huge, but just big enough to be considered [by you] as a light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how dark your tunnel may seem, I cannot stress enough the importance of grasping the 24 hour concept. I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but each day only has 24 hours until you’re given a brand new set of 24 hours. Because they pass so quickly, and you do not, you are not a single one of these hours.
3. You are not a moment. You’ll have good ones, and you’ll have bad ones, but you are not an individual moment— You are a collection of your moments. Let go of your need to control each one, that feat is ultimately impossible anyway. Never fail to acknowledge the moment for what it truly is, especially when it’s one full of goodness. However, learn to appreciate the bad ones. After all, even the bad will eventually bring out the beauty of the good, so don’t give the negativity any more power than it deserves.
4. Laugh— All the time. Laugh with people, laugh at people, and most of all, laugh with/at yourself. You’re probably struggling in the search for a silver lining because you take life way too seriously. You’re going to fail a lot more than you’re currently comfortable with, but that’s A-OK. Do yourself a favor and let a little humor do its job, I promise you’ll gain perspective in no time.
5. “No” shouldn't be so commonly spoken. Overuse of this situationally disgusting word can automatically kill enthusiasm. Enter every circumstance knowing the power of possibility. Some situations won’t pan out exactly as you’d wish, but that’s alright because at least you went for it. Anything can happen, and you’ll never know unless you try. I’m in no way implying that “no” serves no purpose, I’m simply stating that its usage must be kept strictly below that of “yes” in order to keep hope afloat.
6. Big picture, big picture, big picture. I’ve repeated these words to myself more times than I can count… And it works like a charm. Sometimes, you have to project yourself into the future. Let your imagine run to a decade from now. Will your future self actually care about what you’re presently living through? There’s no doubt it will play a part in affecting who you become, but the beautiful thing is that you’ll continue to become yourself even after this moment passes. And yes, it will pass.
7. Stop contributing to the world’s rudeness. If there’s one thing that gets me riled up, it’s unnecessarily mean people. Don’t be mean. Just don't do it. Absolutely no one is making you act that way, so why not alter your ego a little bit and be a positive influence in someone’s life? I’ve never been able to understand why common courtesy seems to fall away, and why few people seem to take their opportunities to put a smile on another person’s face. It’s a simple fix.
We all deserve to have at least one sweet interaction each day… It might as well start with you!
True optimists have enough faith in themselves to understand the choice of happiness in all uncontrollable circumstances, and ultimately discern joy. There are certainly times when I expose my dramatic side and allow myself to feel like life couldn't possibly get more miserable. Pity parties happen, even for the happiest girls. However, I realize the simple idea that a smile is so much more fun than a frown.
I consider it an exciting privilege to not know the reasons for current happenings, much less the anticipations for what lies ahead, because there’s always the hope that my future self will grow to understand it for me. I’ll look back, seeing how each trial eventually changed me, and appreciate how I’ve been made stronger because of it.
Audrey Hepburn once made the profound statement that “the happiest girls are the prettiest girls,” and this is something I believe with all of my heart. Optimism makes the world a more beautiful place— The way it truly ought to be, the way we are more than capable of making it.
Take the load off and choose to be happy. The silver lining is right there in front of you, just let yourself see it.
-A Girl Who’s No Stranger To A Smile