Perks Of Dating The Guy With A Man Bun | The Odyssey Online
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Perks Of Dating The Guy With A Man Bun

You're dating the real-life equivalent of Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, or Jared Leto.

Perks Of Dating The Guy With A Man Bun
Youtube: Clevver News (Thumbnail photo)

Dating a guy with a man bun has lots of perks. So many men don't understand the hair struggles women deal with on a daily basis, so when you find a guy who not only understands but also relates, you have won the dating game.

1. He has good taste in shampoo.

If your guy has a man bun, he probably takes great care of his hair. If you use his shower, it will undoubtedly be stocked with something much better than your dad's 2-in-1 Dollar Tree shampoo. In fact, he won't own any men's shampoo at all. Not only will he have pomegranate scented shampoo (Herbal Essences: Long-term Relationship) that leaves your entire head smelling like a Mediterranean garden, but he will also have conditioner, and let's be real, you don't even buy conditioner. You'll soon discover by his hair products that he takes better care of his hair than you ever do.

2. He always has extra hair ties.

It's always frustrating when you're down to your last hair tie. If you're anything like me, you could buy a 12 pack of hair ties and lose all but 2 in the first week (if they even last that long). Your elastic could be hanging by a thread and make it through another week, or if you have thick hair like mine, it could literally pop off of your ponytail out of nowhere. If you're dating a guy with a man bun, he will ALWAYS have your back with an extra hair tie. Unlike you, he probably knows exactly where all of his hair elastics are and how many he has, so don't be surprised when he (rightfully) accuses you of stealing them all.

3. He always has a brush (or multiple brushes) on hand.

While most guys have shorter hair and can get by with just a comb, a boyfriend with a man bun always has a brush in his car or room because he knows the struggles of having to frequently brush long, thick hair. You never have to fear going out with your boyfriend and forgetting your brush at home because he's got you covered. This makes hair touch-ups at his house or in his car a lot easier because you don't have to crowd your bag that's already full of makeup, receipts, and loose change with a chunky brush. Also, don't misplace his brushes...or hair ties (refer again above to perk #2, sentence 4).

4. He can't blame you for clogging his shower drain with hair.

Why? Obviously because his drain was already clogged with his own hair before you had a chance to do so. As a matter of fact, his bathroom sometimes really starts looking like your own with all the super long hair everywhere, and if you guys have roughly the same color hair, it's impossible to tell whose is whose anyways! The man bun boyfriend will be understanding of long hair struggles, especially all the annoying shedding, so you two can deal with the drain together! Gag.

5. He's got style, AND he can commit.

As silly as it sounds, if your guy is willing to take a risk in terms of his style choices—in this case his hair—he's probably willing to do the same for you and your craziness. Fair warning: this perk is only about 50% accurate, and I am just making a guess based on my experience. I also say if he can commit to growing out his hair, properly caring for it, conditioning it, brushing it, keeping up with hair elastics,and continuing to wear a man bun despite all of the work it takes, he can commit to being with you.

6. He won't have a baby face because manly men have man buns.

Some girls may be attracted to the perfectly clean-shaven baby face, and there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm just not one of those girls. If you've got a guy with a man bun, chances are he's got facial hair to match (and if he doesn't, he SHOULD). Honestly, I'm not a fan of big, bushy beards, but a light beard or AT LEAST scruff is where it's at. If your man has the bun, he understands this concept and will happily oblige to laying off the razor. On a side note: Jared Leto's beard is a little much here, but he still gets the idea!

7. When you're in your feelings, you can play with his hair.

Annoyed? Touch boyfriend's hair. Stressed? Touch boyfriend's hair. Made it to Chikfila's drive-thru a minute after closing so you can't get your chicken nuggets? Touch boyfriend's hair. Starbucks left a window note stating a change in the evening's open hours? Touch boyfriend's hair. Not every girl has the opportunity to date a guy whose hair could put Harry's Styles to shame, so you better take advantage. He'll probably enjoy this just as much as you.

8. He looks super adorable in hats.Why?

If you've dated a guy with a man bun, his hair is probably a thick mess of layers falling somewhere between his chin or shoulders. When his hair isn't in a bun, he sometimes likes to wear it down with a hat. A backwards hat to be exact. When he does the whole long-hair-backwards-cap thing, it often leaves you asking yourself questions like: Do I look that cute in hats? Why does he look so cute in hats? & Why did I ever date a guy who couldn't pull of long hair in a hat in the past? It's just plum cute.

9. You can go get haircuts together & mutually understand how detrimental a bad "trim" can be to the bun.

When dating a man bun guy, you not only have a boyfriend, but you have a companion who understands the importance of proper hair care as well as all of your long hair struggles (refer to perks #1, 2, 3,& 4). Some guys may think girls overreact when we ask for a trim and get 4 inches cut off instead of 2, but your man bun of a boyfriend will understand because a scissor happy stylist can turn his bun to none in no time. Let's not relive the biblical story of Samson.

10. If you have any taste at all, you're basically dating your celebrity crush *cough* Zayn Malik *cough*.

If you're currently dating a guy with a man bun, you have definitely had a celebrity crush on a man bun celeb. Maybe you're like me, and you're a die-hard One Direction supporter. You were heartbroken by the British/Irish group's disbandment last year, but you were not so heartbroken when Harry Styles was no longer the only one to have a man bun because Zayn decided to also grow out his hair. You should be happy with your guy's hair because you're dating the real-life equivalent of Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, or Jared Leto.

Disclaimer: The above perks are relevant based on my experiences with my boyfriend alone, and I can not be held accountable if your man bun guy doesn't live up to these standards.

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