Scholars across disciplines, such as psychology and communication studies, investigate how birth order among siblings plays a role in personality development. There are often negative stigmas attached to being a middle-born child. As a middle child myself, surrounded by two brothers nonetheless, I can tell you there are definitely perks to being a middle child. Here are a few that I have found to be true and real in my very own life:
1. You're independent.
2. You have a role model for being a role model.
3. You're ambitious.
Over 50 percent of U.S. presidents are middle children, just saying.
4. You don't have to deal with newbie parent mistakes.
5. You work hard.
You have to stand out somehow, right?
6. You're empathetic.
7. You're a skilled mediator and/or negotiator.
"Let's all just get along" is your go-to line for sibling arguments.
8. Your school pictures get to be front and center on the mantelpiece, wall, fridge, etc.
9. You don't have to deal with expectations or pressures like the firstborn or baby of the family does.
Cheer up Stephanie, at least no one is pressuring you to be anything!
10. You learn how to lead and follow.
11. You get to fly under the radar.
Use it to your advantage, Jan.
12. You don't take things for granted.
13. You get to give and receive hand-me-downs.
Shut up Draco, hand-me-downs ROCK.
14. You always had someone to play with growing up.
15. You're creative.
16. You have an older sibling to watch out for you and a younger sibling to pick on.
Being a middle child has its downfalls, but you wouldn't trade it for the world. After all, it's the middle that has made you into someone unique!