From what I've heard, sophomore year rocks. You're no longer a clueless freshman but you're not yet a jaded junior. We'll see if my second year lives up to its legendary reputation.
1. You know where everything is.
Getting lost around campus when your class schedule changes or off-campus for tailgates is a thing of the past. You know the ins and outs of your school's layout and even have your own favorite secret spots that freshmen better not find.
2. You have a routine.
Gym, tan, laundry? Whether your routine works or involves no work at all, you've got it down pat.
3. You get to live in your sorority/fraternity house.
Even if you're not living in your house or didn't go Greek, the living situation for sophomore year is most likely sweet and definitely better than the dirty freshman year dorm room your crappy priority number got you.
4. You have a crew.
Whether it's your roommates, suite mates, hall mates, frat guys or srat friends, you now you have a go-to group for pregames, outfit help, brunch and everything else in between.
5. You know how to study.
Er, kinda study. Since college classes and high school classes are totally different, it may have taken you a few classes, exams and maybe even some bad grades to figure out that wine and working on a paper don't mix well (for the most part).
6. You know what not to do.
Speaks for itself. Freshman year faux pas are things of the past.
7. You get to have a little.
As a big, you not only get to add to your fam, but you get to be a mentor and older figure to probably the only cool freshman you'll know.
8. It's one of the best years of the "best years" of your life.
It's the peak of the peak. The cherry on top of an already amazing ice cream sundae. So enjoy every second.