If you're like me and didn't go somewhere exotic for spring break, you may be dealing with a serious case of FOMO as you scroll through Instagram.
Yes, your friends may be on a beach somewhere, legally sipping mimosas and clubbing until the sun comes up. But going home can be just as special as going to Mexico, even if it may not seem that way at first.
1. You'll save a lot of money.
Spring break may be really fun in theory, but there is so much to pay for. Odds are you're going somewhere where the drinking age is 18, so you'll be spending a lot of money in the alcohol department. Not to mention there's the flight, the resort, and all the fun little excursions that you know you're going to want to go on.
2. You'll get to see your friends from home.
Someone else's spring break is bound to line up with yours. Your college friends are your family, but you do get to see them every day. Spend some time with your day ones who you haven't seen since Christmas.
3. Your family will make you good home-cooked meals.
Your family loves showering you with love. And food. Go home for your grandma's best dish. It'll be better than any food you can get at a resort.
4. You can actually sleep all day and not feel like you're wasting away to nothing.
Your parents are at work. Your siblings are at school. You're genuinely not missing out on anything if you sleep till 2. You deserve it.
5. Maybe you'll get a chance to catch up on schoolwork before you go back!
Come on, it may be spring break but college never stops.
But also, probably not.
6. In reality, you've got to take some time to connect with the only relationship that really matters.
One word, two syllables... Netflix.
7. You can get a chance to work-off that midterms weight you put on emotionally eating in the library at 2 a.m.
But also...probably not.
8. You get the chance to do some spring cleaning.
Because you know your parents use your presence to their advantage. But that's okay because you're going to slay those wooden floors.
9. Also, you get a chance to reconnect with your family and power through the end of the year.
Because really, as soon as you get back, it's finals season.